Tag Archives: sex scandals

Sen. Chuck Schumer Media Aide Fired Last Fall For Sex Fiend Mess

This sex scandal was allowed to run silent and deep while all the politicians in the DNC and the New York media giants like the NY Times and CBS/NBC/ABC all knew about this sex scandal that Schumer allowed, this omerta silence was deliberate, it was a conspiracy and this week, was blown out of the water by the only conservative paper in NYC: the NY Post.

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Sex Allegations Continue To Roar Onwards Relentlessly

Far from ending, the sex hysteria continues unabated taking down nearly everyone and anyone as neo-Victorian mores in the middle of a society that celebrates nude sex kitten fun…the contradictions hurt.  They are, frankly, insane.  This parade of ‘evil sex fiends touched me’ business is mainly coming from women who make their living doing basically what street walkers do: mimic sex and try their hardest to be as sexy as possible then howl with rage about men touching them or doing anything with them.  These spider women are joined by ex-wives who accuse spouses of abuse…years after a divorce and no police arrests, etc.  This has to stop.

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Battle In Seattle: Prayer Group On Campus Attacked By ANTIFA

AntiFa Attack Proud Boys At University Of Washington Free Speech Rally And Lose Yet Again – YouTube


A prayer rally was called in Seattle, WA.  The violent communists of ANTIFA attacked the prayer rally and tried to use muscle to prevent it from happening and to insure no one defy them in the future but the police came in and forced the rioters to leave instead of arresting only the people being attacked by ANTIFA.  Bit by bit, this violent movement is being herded while on campuses but still hold the ground at these DNC-run schools.  Virtually no liberal news carried this story, of course.  The NYT studiously ignores the SJW violence.

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War In Afghanistan Gets Worse, Extreme Cold Continues, Sex Scandals Proliferate

World news — RT International: I go to foreign news all the time because US news systems have deteriorated badly in the last several years.  It is downright sad, looking at the New York Times, how deranged they have become due to Trump Derangement Syndrome.  The twin evils of the liberals are ‘global warming’ and anything Trump does, good or bad.  Well, the wars launched by Bush Jr., Obama and Hillary Clinton roar onwards and rarely makes the headlines in liberal media except whenever blame for some action can be laid on Trump.  Worse, these papers push hard for bad relations with Russia which cause endless diplomatic chaos that is utterly unnecessary.  But it keeps the liberals happy, aping McCarthy nonstop now.

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Senator Franken Resigns, FBI Under Severe Investigation For Collusion and Corruption, Hillary’s Crimes Rise Again

Al ‘Grope ’em’ Franken resigns by attacking Trump over SEX stuff.  This silly, silly  man!  The entire DNC apparatus in DC is going down the drain rapidly now.  They still haven’t figured out what went wrong!  Many of the DNC females who are OK with fellow predators, hugged and kissed this miscreant finger pointing fool as he left, oh, the tears and rage of these fake feminists burn and makes me laugh sardonically.  Here we go: HAHAHAHA.  More news of more crashing heads in DC:

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Endless # Liberal Sex Fiend Men Crash, Burn While Media Attacks Trump For Saying ‘Pussy’ Decades Ago

Trump ‘made comment about p**sy years before tape’ | Daily Mail Online breathlessly reports.


HAHAHA…the news is endless fun now.  Bill and Hillary Clinton, forgetting entirely their own dirty past, decided to attack Trump about sex!  I thought that was insane and it was insane.  Now, for the last year, the DNC and media giants and Hollywood all united in attacking Trump using ‘he is a sex fiend’ storyline only for this being a released wolf from the Gates of Hell…which is biting THEM in the rear, big time, over and over again.  So…these creeps double down on attacking Trump over sex!

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Sexapolypse Continues To Destroy Liberal DNC Machine: Detroit Conyers Going Down

Rep. Conyers lawyer hints he will take down many other congressional harassers if pushed too hard: no joke.  This may open the sex  flood gates.  This all reminds me of the corrupt DNC gang running NYC into bankruptcy in the late 1970’s going to war with me and ending up dead or in prison after my phone was tapped by the Special Prosecutor who found out they were breaking every possible law!  All except the dead on plead guilty to avoid a trial.  In this case, the DNC demanded we attack anyone who talks sexy in order to stop Trump only to see their own sex fiend politicians and Hollywood buddies go down in this Titanic Ship of Fools.

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