Tag Archives: tectonic plate movements

Mauna Loa Eruption Signs That Major Volcanic Activity Is Shifting South Of Existing Volcano

Seismic Monitor – Recent earthquakes on a world map and much more.

Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano eruption forces evacuations – YouTube
This video is worth watching just for this: a man says he moved from geologically active California to Hawaii to escape fires!  This particular eruption is dangerous to the many humans who foolishly moved near or on top of volcanic activity because the eruption has been due to long cracks in the island and the lava is shooting upwards, under great pressure, from these long fissures.

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Filed under .money matters

5.1 Earthquake And Many Aftershocks Centered On La Brea Neighborhood In LA

Earthquake activity on West Coast rising rapidly March 2014 IRIS Earthquake Browser – SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: I have noticed during the last month that earthquakes are springing up a great deal in California as well as the entire North/South America continents.  There have been a number of medium sized quakes along the entire Atlantic ridge which is where the tectonic plates are spreading.  As this occurs, it shoves the continents over the Pacific Plate and other oceanic plates. Continue reading


Filed under Geology