Tag Archives: treason

Only Fox News Correctly Reports That Obama Conspired To Illegally Spy On Trump During And After Election

There is a very major story running today which the mainstream media is toiling very hard to cover up, not investigate: the illegal and very political spying on Trump and all his allies during the election, done by Bilderberg gangsters who run the DNC and the GOP parties and our media.  Our media giants are run mostly by crooks who steal billions from citizens and hand it all over to Israeli Jews, no strings attached, annually.  This is ridiculous and anyone pointing out the obvious is called an ‘anti-semite’ even when I was Mrs. Levy, I was called an ‘anti-semite’ whenever I pointed out obvious facts that are of vital interest to US voters.  Trump and ALL the candidates, large and small and certainly Hillary are all Zionist tools.  This is a huge, huge problem and will backfire on Jews very badly if the US goes bankrupt.

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Many US Political Leaders Want To Make Trade Deals For Themselves, To Hell With US Citizens And Trade Deficits

Founding Fathers – Episodes 1 & 2 – YouTube


So, we recently had an election and because the liberals lost, they have decided to tear up the Constitution, run off in various directions willfully and in general, cause chaos and mayhem and lots of screaming about every little thing while breaking many laws and conspiring to destroy democracy.  That is, they hate the Republic, they want Maoist sort of rule where someone orders everyone else, what they can or cannot do and no free speech, either.

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Breaking News: WH Staff Sabotaging Trump Is Staff Chief Walsh, A ‘Never Trump’ GOP Plant



BREAKING: @Reince’s Gal & @WhiteHouse Chief of Staff @KMWalsh_GOP Is Source Of Trump Leaks To @NYTimes & Others


White House Deputy Chief of Staff and #NeverTrump Republican Katie Walsh has been identified as the source behind a bunch of leaks from the Trump administration to The New York Times and other media outlets, according to multiple sources in the White House, media, donor community, and pro-Trump 501(c)4 political group.

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Ukrainian Kid Fools McCain Into Offering Troops And War Against Russia


This is NOT in mainstream news.  Yes, McCain is sending a letter to Trump to urge him to send ‘lethal weapons’ to Ukraine.  The GOP/DNC Bilderberg gang forced Trump to send away Flynn who was flying too close to the source of all power and would stop the resurrection of NATO and the Cold War.  I note here that there is this conspiracy to both restart the Cold War and our stupid allies in Europe plan to force US taxpayers to pay for all this, too.  McCain should be investigated for doing illicit diplomacy with a country that isn’t even part of NATO.  This is treason.

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Amazon.com Bezos Attacks Trump Again And Blames Pearl Harbor On US Navy, Not Japanese Perfidy


The WP doubles down on stupid, lying headlines which apes the NYT which seems to be written by the same crew of commies…HAHAHA…I see collusion here!  Why is Bolton’s claim ‘extraordinary’ while McCain’s is not?  But then, the WP has nothing but full attacks on Trump and accusations that he, not the WP, is lying about something or anything.  Seeing the track record for the WP when it comes to lying, HAHAHA.  Their pants are on fire so much, they have to have someone pissing on their rear to keep it from exploding their heads, too.

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Veritas Releases Video Showing Top DNC Officials Plotting To Help Foreigners Into The US In Exchange For Bribes

BREAKING: DNC Caught Rigging Election Red Handed! – YouTube

A must-watch video by the Veritas team who have recorded top DNC officials and operatives accepting overseas bribes and making deals behind the curtain in order to gain foreign money for running their election scams in the US to get Hillary elected.  This is TREASON.  No ifs, ands or buts.  Arrest them all, arrest Hillary, and these people worked with Obama, too.

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Filed under .money matters

Bribing Congress, Bribing Presidential Candidates Is The New Normal Since Reagan

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This weekend we celebrate the deaths of so many soldiers and sailors in the past who died to make our empire greats.  But our present rulers are craven cowards whose families will never fight anyone except for bribes.  At the New York Times, here is Horowitz who pushes hard for Hillary to win the next election.  He approves of the fact that she won’t answer any questions.  This is a very odd position for a newspaper ‘reporter’ but then, he isn’t a ‘reporter’ at all, he is a member of the Bilderberg gang and a Zionist and it is obvious that his bosses and buddies in NYC support her for obvious reasons.  She is pro-Zionist and pro-banker and her daughter is married into that clan. Lately, the money grubbing bribery machine called the Clinton Foundation reveals up to $26 million in additional payments from foreign powers.  This is ridiculous.  I was enraged when Reagan ran off to China a week after leaving office to collect his $2.2 million bribe from the Japanese.


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