Tag Archives: treason

CIA Spooks Declare Treason Against Boss, Trump, Demand Military Disobey President Orders!

The Constitution Song (“Despacito” Parody) – YouTube

Opinion | Trump Is Not a King – The New York Times, he is a President and all the spooks and Federal workers and military must answer to him and mainly him.  If they can’t do this, they must resign.  This extremely racist newspaper that has editorial members calling for the annihilation of all white males is up in arms because Trump removed the security clearance of loud mouth spooks who attack him from every angle while backing treasonous actions that nearly destroyed our country which is under assault by foreign powers working with Bilderberg American traitors.

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The Illegal Conspiracy To Spy On And Then Frame Trump Explodes


Records Show FBI ‘Informant’ Stefan Halper Was Paid $282,000 in 2016 For Spying on Trump — And Another $129,280 in 2017…and here we go!  Many of us have been saying for a while that this is a new Watergate only widdershins.  The DNC, after screwing up with Hillary and other criminals who run the DNC like Nancy Pelosi, tried to create an illegal coup to remove Trump based on fake information about him being a Russian agent.  Shades of McCarthy! I have said repeatedly that this aping of past political schemes would backfire and it is backfiring right now.

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Democratic Leader Kerry Continues Secret Meetings With Iran Dictator’s Staff In Paris

JOHN KERRY Continues Shadow Diplomacy — Pictured Leaving Meeting with Iranian Officials in Paris …Update: NOT John’s 1st Secret Mtg in Paris.  Arrest Kerry.  This sort of treason is obviously illegal.  Iran has threatened to blow up as many people as possible and so playing footsie with the Mullahs who are screaming ‘Death to America’ is treason.  But then, the DNC doesn’t believe in patriotism, protecting our borders or anything that irritates international Bilderberg gangsters who hate patriotism.  Of course, this news is carefully hidden from view by Bilderberg mainstream media like the very odious and treasonous New York Times, one of the founders of that international gang of hooligans.

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New York Times Doubles Down On Fake Trump Stories, Belittles Memo News

The New York Times continues its decline in sanity. But then, the NYT is one of the founders of the Bilderberg gang after WWII.  Note how they claim no one is interested in the memo’s devastating information and at the same time, claim it was all ‘choreographed’ by the GOP and how the GOP is ‘waging…a battle…to discredit the Russia investigation.’  HAHAHA.  Ah, the McCarthy fake Russian Investigation!  How dare real information interfere with that illicit DNC operation to overthrow an elected President!

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DC Hamlet: Rosenstein And Mueller Must ‘Die’ As They Are Now Deep In DNC Scandal

Hamlet Act II – Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (David Tennant, Tim Roth, Gary Oldman) – YouTube


History is a bitch who loves to repeat herself as she writes in blood.  I am very amused that key players up on the stage tonight are…right out of Hamlet!  Rosencrantz is now Rosenstein in this latest Hamlet play, fretting on the world stage.  The Uranium deal Clintons and Obama made with Putin who the DNC, GOP and all ‘liberals’ and the mainstream fake news has told us, is pure evil…this is now exploding into everyone’s faces including McCain who is directly involved in this murky Clinton/Obama/Congress scam to sell uranium to Putin, and then blame Trump for this.

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Bilderberg Gangster McCain Attacks Trump For Being TOO Patriotic!

John McCain condemns ‘half-baked, spurious nationalism’ | Daily Mail Online in England reports this astonishing demand for treason!  I was shocked to see Biden, the DNC VP for Obama and McCain, elder GOP leader, joining hands to openly attack basic patriotism!  The comments to this story show very angry male citizens realizing the elites in DC are traitors.  The story was intended to shame and destroy patriotic voters instead, it confirms to them that the enemy is within.  Anyone part of the Bilderberg gang is a traitor and the list of traitors is long.

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Patriotic Citizens Dig Into Recent Past To Reveal The Obamas Used To Love Dr. Seuss

Michelle Obama mocked for reading ‘racist’ Dr Seuss books | Daily Mail Online


When the story broke that a library in Massachusetts refused some Dr. Seuss gift books from the First Lady, the mainstream media did no research or reporting about the background of this story.  They simply maliciously reported the rejection with glee, claiming that it proves that Trump and his wife are racist and evil.  This then began to fall apart strictly because citizens did the actual story research and discovered that a mere year earlier, all libraries wanted these Dr. Seuss evil books…as Mrs. Obama was handing them out.

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