Tag Archives: Mueller

Mainstream Fake News Refuse To Report Important Release of Unredacted FBI Files

The Gateway Pundit – Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback


The entire conspiracy to frame Trump as a traitor and Russian agent is in full collapse now. After months of mainstream Bilderberg news operations howled about all this, all traces of it has vanished and been replaced with howls of rage that Trump gave a hussy some money to not talk about sex in order to protect his marriage.  Oh, the humanity!  Someone call the Kennedys!  Well, the conspiracy to overthrow an election is now being uncovered as the FBI top staff are caught conspiring to create a COUP and this is only in pro-Trump news, dead silence in the mainstream Bilderberg news.

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Senator Rand Paul Demands End To Mueller Wild Goose Chase

(1) Rand Paul ‘Mueller has abused his authority’ and Admits admits opposition to Mueller probe – YouTube


If the GOP were smarter collectively, they would choose Senator Rand Paul who has matured in Congress to an amazing degree, as their new head now that Ryan is retiring.  I am happy to see Ryan go.  He will collect his loot now, giving ‘speeches’ like all the other tools in Congress and the White House.  Yes, Rand Paul, this whole Mueller ‘investigation’ is really a witch hunt.  Thank you for being loud about this.

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Arrest Mueller, Charge Him With Treason

Mark Cuban on Clinton speaking fees: Reagan was paid $1 million one speech – YouTube
Rich man makes excuses for ‘speech’ bribes claiming this is OK.
I grew up inside the political systems. My father’s closest friends were top politicians and Presidents from Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater, Carter, etc.  Watching what is happening in our media and DC right now is clearly a coup attempt by the Bilderberg gang to get rid of a President who is the first non-Bilderberg leader in the 35 years.  Mueller is working for them, not the US public taxpayers.  The latest allegations of Russia running our elections is insulting, insane and insidious. Continue reading

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You Tube Removing Gun Videos, Rand Paul Warns Brennan And Clapper About Coup Demands

Rand Paul on Mueller, Brennan, and Clapper. – YouTube


After Brennan attacked Trump, Congress is acting to demand the Special Prosecutor end the ridiculous search for something, anything to take down an elected President.  This is an important interview.  Senator Paul has grown in his office.  Meanwhile, Google and its video arm, You Tube, are now totally at war with everyone and anyone who the ‘liberals’ hate.  People who have pro-gun sites and people who accurately understand the weather and realize there is no global warming are going to be isolated and censored or banned.  Already, I note that my own news service is under attack at Google.

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DC Hamlet: Rosenstein And Mueller Must ‘Die’ As They Are Now Deep In DNC Scandal

Hamlet Act II – Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (David Tennant, Tim Roth, Gary Oldman) – YouTube


History is a bitch who loves to repeat herself as she writes in blood.  I am very amused that key players up on the stage tonight are…right out of Hamlet!  Rosencrantz is now Rosenstein in this latest Hamlet play, fretting on the world stage.  The Uranium deal Clintons and Obama made with Putin who the DNC, GOP and all ‘liberals’ and the mainstream fake news has told us, is pure evil…this is now exploding into everyone’s faces including McCain who is directly involved in this murky Clinton/Obama/Congress scam to sell uranium to Putin, and then blame Trump for this.

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