Tag Archives: school collapse

Alien Invaders Take Over Paris Airport Demanding Entry


Illegal aliens in Paris mob airport, demanding to be allowed to live in France forever as the invasion of Europe continues.


It is interesting watching the destruction of Europe.  This is exactly how the Roman Empire collapsed.  The Western Empire couldn’t stop invaders while the Eastern Empire fought ferocious battles to stop invaders who then directed their energies towards the Western Empire.  Attila the Hun, anyone?

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Filed under .money matters

Helpless Staff Watch Black Schools Spiral Into Total Chaos, While White Male Students Are Punished For Excelling

Teachers and parents speak out against black violence in schools – YouTube

Hillery picks a white Southern male to be her running mate and our media bends over in praise for her doing this while at the same time calling Trump names for picking a Midwestern white male.  The NYT and WP both have mild headlines about the looming DNC crowning which is in stark contrast to the hysteria and open lies about the GOP convention. Today, I want to look at a WP and NYT article both of which openly are in denial of what is going on in the race wars here and what this means, that is, both articles make fun of especially white males who are complaining about reverse racism.

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Filed under .money matters

Schools And Homes In San Francisco Lie Right On Edge Of Cliffs And On Top Of San Andreas Fault

San Francisco 1957 San Andreas Earthquake

Historic Earthquakes: already, this heavily developed area has had dangerous earthquakes that were local, somewhat small events.  Developers were allowed by the craven city officials to build right on top of the San Andreas fault.  Not only that, the cliffs are geologically weak and constantly collapsing yet houses were built right on top of this!  The worst is the new schools: more than one was built within 100 yards of the San Andreas fault and one school on top of it!  We see in the news this week that geologist’s warnings about dangers are ignored or belittled and then many people die.  Here is a huge disaster just waiting to happen, there is a 100% chance that many people will die in the future thanks to the San Andreas fault suddenly shifting again. Continue reading


Filed under Geology