Crazy Warmonger Gates Attacks Obama For Trying To Escape Afghanistan Trap


Former Pentagon leader Gates has published this whiny, imperial rot book whereby he complains that Obama isn’t enough of a crazed warmonger like previous Bilderberg/AIPAC rulers.  He, himself, boasts about going into Afghanistan briefly under impressive armed protection to tell the Americans stuck there that he ‘loved’ them and he frets why Obama couldn’t go there and spread some man on man love, too.  This, from a homophobic military man strikes me as rather funny since he obviously can’t see how insane he really is.  Do you send men you adore to a death trap to die for no reason?  Only if you have very strange seething sexual bizarre impulses.


So this war criminal has written a book about invading Poland and China…oops, wrong war criminals!  Instead, totally firm in the faith that it is OK to violate the Nuremberg protocols set by the Nazi trials about the legality of invading other nations, Mr. Gates waxes indignant that Obama isn’t a total warmonger like his previous boss, Bush Jr.:  Book review: ‘Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War’ by Robert M. Gates – The Washington Post


Joe Biden haters will enjoy Gates’s description of the vice president as loud, garrulous and obsessed with politics over substance. “I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” Gates writes. He accuses the vice president of poisoning Obama’s relationship with his generals: “I thought Biden was subjecting Obama to Chinese water torture, every day saying, ‘the military can’t be trusted.’ ”


Gates admires Obama’s decisiveness and smarts, but accuses him of sending troops to fight and die in support of a strategy in Afghanistan that, according to Gates, the president himself believed would fail. “I never doubted Obama’s support for the troops, only his support for their mission,” Gates writes.


He recounts his thoughts during a tense 2011 meeting with Obama and Gen. David H. Petraeus, then in charge of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, in the White House Situation Room: “As I sat there I thought: The president doesn’t trust his commander, can’t stand Karzai, doesn’t believe in his own strategy and doesn’t consider the war to be his. For him, it’s all about getting out.”…


He compares Obama unfavorably with Bush, who “had no second thoughts about Iraq, including our decision to invade.”


He also believes using assassin drones is smart.  The idea that the invasion of Iraq wasn’t even slightly legal doesn’t bother Gates for one minute.  There were no WMD there, the UN team found exactly nothing, Gates and Bush claimed they were wrong and then…found exactly nothing after kicking out the UN observers and attacking.  I waited for the US media and the UN to announce the arrest of these warmongers and nothing happened.


Now Iraq is an insane, brutal, destructive mess and thousands of Iraqis continue to die daily and this is 100% the fault of the illegal invasion.  The fact that these two wars put the US very deep into debt is also ignored by Gates and the Bush team.  Obama Wants to Repeal Iraq War Authorization is great news but warmonger Gates is probably furious that we don’t pour another trillion down that toilet.  On the other hand, the warmongers who run the military/industrial complex wanted more sales but the White House Blasts Senate for Blocking Iraq Arms Sales because our government is very divided since the GOP doesn’t believe in supporting any Democrats except if they are giving money to Israel.  Then there is near 100% support.


50 Senators Now Cosponsor Iran Sanctions Bill which pretty much kills any attempt at diplomacy and leaves only one option, war.  AIPAC wants this war so the corrupt Senators want this war and a lot of money has changed hands as they push us into another trillion dollar disaster.  All our European allies want desperately to stop the anti-Iran nonsense so the Brit diplomat, Straw says Iran has inalienable right to nuclear energy while in Iran on a little business visit.  Iran wants Japan to help it build nuclear plants so Abe wants diplomacy, not AIPAC war, too.


Here is the news in Iran today;  Iran nuclear deal close to implementation: U.S. – Tehran Times


Asked where things stand with the Iranians and the implementation agreement on the nuclear deal, Marie Harf said in her daily briefing, “We have made good progress in our discussions about implementation. The last step in the process was folks coming back to capitals for the holidays to consult on a few issues. Hopefully we’ll have some upcoming travel either this week or hopefully very soon for our folks, for our team to head back for additional discussions. And hopefully we can finalize it soon. We’re very close; we just have to finalize some of the details.”


The right wingers in Iran are telling the present government they are fools to trust the US.  These ‘details’ delaying the end of sanctions are a scam to hide the fact that Saudi Arabia doesn’t want Iran selling Europe any oil due to this cutting into the royal profits from such sales and Israel is dead set against this for other reasons.  So the Senators, working for both entities even if this hurts US citizens, will do the wrong thing for the wrong reasons.


Which is why we were defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Our motives were illicit or outright evil and had nothing to do with bin Laden, al Qaeda or 9/11 and this was deliberate stupidity, not accidental and was done because US citizens have no say in their own government except when it comes to things the elites don’t care much about.  Then we are allowed some small representation.


The Iranians will never see any end of sanctions unless they allow their country to be invaded and totally wrecked.  I warned them about this in the past.  They have no choice, it is struggle against the Saudi/US/Israel troika or suicidal cooperation with being disarmed.  Both Gaddafi and Saddam chose to negotiate and disarm and instantly were amputated and their countries turned into a smoking ruin with people butchering each other.


I don’t expect the Iranians to read my blog.  I make predictions and suggestions but few listen because we are in a system whereby internationalists are all about fomenting ethnic warfare, religious strife and hatred so they can be divided and exploited by international bankers and arms merchants.  This, in turn, will cause WWIII.

sunset borger

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sunset borger



Filed under .diplomacy, war and peace

24 responses to “Crazy Warmonger Gates Attacks Obama For Trying To Escape Afghanistan Trap

  1. Jim R

    “See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.”
    — W

  2. DK

    Read all about it! The Germans are building subs for WWIII – but this time they are not going to use them themselves:

  3. Being There

    Yes, I wrote this morning that Gates has no complaints against the Bush/Cheney neocons who destroyed our economy and spent $trillions of tax payer money while telling the little people that their ss and medicare should be privatized.

    You like the Republican Corporatized Obama care? Well theyve got something even more draconian in mind for us, like vouchers worth a paltry $5,000.00 in your old age and then you’re on your own….Anybody ever see how much 1 night in a hospital costs?

    OK so Doris Kearns Goodwin wrote a book on Lincoln and romanticized the idea of choosing a cabinet full of you enemies. Obama bit that poisoned apple and now there’s new grist for the Fascisti in this country to jump on the Obama administration and Hilary Clinton at the same time. Yep they knocked out 2 presidential wannabees in one book while taking down Obama.

    Say, let’s vote that bully who helped Madoff, that Chris Christie guy, he’s a someone the east coast dems can get around.

    I say, Gate did his job (for the Gipper) just fine, thank you very much. Only an idiot would have chosen an enemy to be in his ranks. This is first grad Machiavellianism, but in this dumbed down country it looks like excellent states craft a la Karl Rove. The Duck Dynasty guy is the new poster child for the Christianist /Corporatist ideology. What a state we are in.

  4. Luc

    ‘Bush/Cheney neocons who destroyed our economy’, no Ms., Clinton destroyed US economy.
    ‘The Duck Dynasty guy is the new poster child for the Christianist /Corporatist ideology’…..???? Why? Because he spoke his mind on gays?
    These facts might straighten you out [pun intended]:

    Oh, and here….Former Hawkish Bank Of Israel Head Rumored To Be Next Fed Vice ……/former-bank-israel-head-rumored-be-deputy-ch…‎
    Dec 11, 2013 – For now the market seems oblivious that the #2 person at the Fed may …. ah c’mon guys- don’tchya know he just answers to the ‘person of the …
    Obama to Nominate Israel’s Top Central Banker to #2 Post at the Fed?…/obama-to-post-israels-top-central-banker-t…‎
    Dec 12, 2013 – 2 at Fed, White House Favors Central Banker in the Bernanke Mold … the Obama White House is floating a fall-guy candidate out there for .


    ELAINE: I see you fell for the Duck Dynasty fraud. He was a Brooks Brother yuppie who decided to pretend to be a backwoods creep. Ended up looking and talking like bin Laden.

    The Fed Reserve: it is controlled by foreign bankers. Has been for a while. It is a fraud, too. Both the GOP and DNC love this.

    Bilderbergs are BOTH PARTIES. IN FULL. They pretend to be ‘liberals’ and ‘conservatives’ but this is all political theater.

  5. I had the same thoughts when I read the review.

  6. Being There


    You foolishly think I like the Third Way democrats who is the only choice we have on the democratic side.
    I couldn’t agree with you more re: the banking cartel and the globalist ceo’s who are enjoying inverted global communism.

    BUT don’t think the Republicans are going to give you any options either. They can talk a good story about Duck Dynasty guy and surely I think he has a right to speak his mind, but he’s no one to use as a poster child for freedom and liberty since everyone that doesn’t agree with him is evil in his mind.

    I’m pretty sure that we haven’t had a real president who calls the shots in a very long time.

  7. N00b

    @ Luc,

    CLINTON killed the American economy? Are you kidding me? Looks like we have got a real live neocon here! You!

    Ronald Reagan killed the US economy–and throttled democracy, too. I know, I lived it. Between his doing an end-run around the US Congress with Ollie North as his bagman, green-lighting Volker’s destructive war on the US jobs with the Fed, palling it up with David Stockman and the “Trickle-down economy” (trickle down my ass–don’t piss on my shoes and tell me “it’s the economy, stupid”), breaking unions, getting rid of the protections on Savings and Loans, selling Iranians arms–YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME.

    As some wit put it, “Everybody in Reagan’s cabinet either resigned or was indicted.” And I can tell you: Practically everybody in Reagan’s cabinet or staff were associated with or were neocons. Elliott Abrams, anyone?

    And Clinton just signed into law the NAFTA treaty that Reagan and Poppy Bush and the Republican congress negotiated. A political move to save his ass due to the “Contract with America.” When the economy is destroyed, you can bet your last penny that the Republicans are behind it so they can make money for their masters. Clinton was the best Republican president this country every had. Clinton a Democrat, my ass.

    To this very day, you can see Paul Craig Roberts running around the Internet bleating, “But this isn’t what we mean by capitalism! But–this isn’t what we intended with capitalism! Waah!”

    As for that duck-f*cker Phil, who gives a rat’s ass what he thinks? Why is he so damn interested in anal sex? Who cares? He’s just another useful idiot who can make money for the owners of A&E. “There is no bad publicity,” eh?

    Here’s a link for you, too–certainly more useful to what happened to US democracy as compared to your “Taki” site.

  8. Petruchio

    “Which is why we were defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan….” Elaine: the reasons you list for US MIC’s failures in Iraq/Afghanistan are true, but there is at least another reason: total incompetence on the part of the warmongers. I believe it was Gen Shinseki who told Rummy, Cheney and the Idiot-in-Chief that pacifying Iraq would take 350,000 troops. Cheney and Rummy ignored Shinseki–before ousting him (“Dubaya” just grinned like an idiot and went along with what the others said). Another, related reason and imho this is important too. The legitimizing of torture, even setting aside moral questions (which I do not), for the sake of argument, was a VERY big mistake. Why? Real simple, but Cheney the chickenhawk didn’t think of it: IF you waterboard your enemy, guess what he will do to you? If you guessed your enemy will give you a dose of torture ‘medicine’ you would be correct. Shouldnt take a genius to figure that out. It is also why the US has ‘transitioned ‘ to Drone warfare: there are too many VERY dangerous people in those countries expressly looking to capture US troops, especially CIA types, alive. Absolutely no way the warmongers would leave Iraq and Afghanistan unless they had no choice. Mercs want to live to spend their money; if things get too dangerous, they are outta there

  9. emsnews

    The sex issue matters, it is all about one’s personal, at home, up close, civil rights. And the GOP is totally against anyone having these rights. Even the right wingers must obey all sorts of weird sex laws! And they hate it, too.

    WHEN I was a freak (hippie to all the outsiders) in SF in the sixties, tourists would come to see me perform in the streets (a great way to make money when at university!) and the men would hiss and say hostile things in front of their families…and then return later, ALONE, to beg for sex!


    I used to tell them ‘Love is free, sex is expensive.’ Then we would dither briefly about the cost of sex only for them to learn, ‘To do you will cost a million bucks because you are straight and married.’ HAHAHA, again.

    The more right wing, the more they wanted prostitution! While in public making it illegal and condemning prostitutes. Nothing has changed since then.

  10. Vengeur

    @N00b- Glass-Steagall was repealed in 1999. Let’s see, who was President then…?
    It always amuses me when I see people defending the likes of Bill Clinton, who was and is a big a whore for the bankers as anybody the republicans ever floated. Republicans, Democrats, two horns on the same stinky goat.

  11. Vengeur

    Gates using Biden as a punching bag is about as amusing as smacking around a mentally handicapped person. I say FOUL!!!! Have you no shame man! And as far as Iraq is concerned ANY politician that had ANYTHING to do with it should be banned from political office for life. Right on, right on!!!

  12. e sutton

    I was waiting for someone to mention Paul Craig Roberts. I know Elaine hates him. I was watching an interview earlier today with Greg Hunter over at US Watchdog. I can’t stand his demonic laugh. He’ll comment about how fuxked we all are (which the Reagan administration really kicked off) and then chuckle about the coming sh_ t storm heading our way. Kinda like the old, “I got mine…ya’ll better hunker down!” type of philosophy. I like Greg Hunter but can’t stand the way he kisses his guest’s ass. Just sayin’!

  13. Luc

    ‘I see you fell for the Duck Dynasty fraud. He was a Brooks Brother yuppie who decided to pretend to be a backwoods creep. Ended up looking and talking like bin Laden’.
    Who is he ? Or what is he? An actor? whatever he is, hes not someone who ‘fills boxes at Amazon fulla Duck Calls!

  14. Luc

    Thanks Mr [or Ms] Vengeur.

    @N00b- Glass-Steagall was repealed in 1999. Let’s see, who was President then…?
    It always amuses me when I see people defending the likes of Bill Clinton, who was and is a big a whore for the bankers as anybody the republicans ever floated. Republicans, Democrats, two horns on the same stinky goat.

    Look at the title of Elaines article. And then ask yrself, who is more to blame, Gates [RW] or Obama [LW]? To my mind, it is Obama. The articles title seems to imply Gates is more the ‘bad guy’.

    I pointed out to a LW ex friend that Obama got way more WS$ than Mc Cain, and he would not hear of it!

    There was a cgart I saw yesterday that CLAIMED U of C gave Obama/ DNC
    3 million dollars to help re elect him. WTF?

    2012 Presidential Race | OpenSecrets‎
    Presidential candidates have already raised and spent millions of dollars in the 2012 … from the reports they’re required to file each month with the Federal Election Commission. … 1, University of California, $1,212,245 … 3, Morgan Stanley, $911,305 … Military Donors Rallied Late for Romney, But Obama Held Advantage.

  15. Luc


    ‘CLINTON killed the American economy? Are you kidding me? Not at all.

    NAFTA and Most Favored Nation Status for China is [far as I can tell] the end of the middle class in USA!!!
    Clinton wanted to give THE LONG BEACH NAVAL HARBOR to [COSTCO?}. I do not think he was able to, but I might be wrong.
    Carter gave Panama canal to Panama, who leased it to THE CHINESE.
    Now nuclear weapons can be shipped thru it.
    The person who pointed that out to me is Niel Young, the singer.
    Sure Raygun did many bad things, the worst being the am nasty!

  16. larry, dfh

    And don’t forget the ‘Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, which was also a Clinton sop to the financial overlords. It allowed Derivatives to be unregulated, Futures positions to be rolled over instead of taking delivery, and as such really allowed the recklessness of the Glass-Steagall repeal to be implemented in the global ripoff that was the end of our way of life. What you gonna do about it?

  17. Being There

    Between these two corporatist parties, I call the whole financialization thing Games set and match. They’re all working for the same monied crew and enjoying every penny they made. They don’t believe in the modern nation state and don’t feel a part of it. They would smash the whole thing for money and We the People. We will be a trade zone and colony of the banks and corporations.
    Do I think there’s a difference between parties–mainly on the social level. The Dems are a bit less cruel.

  18. emsnews

    This is what a dying empire looks like: everyone is looting it, everyone is pointing fingers at everyone else and no one fixes anything.

    I NEVER said the Clintons were wonderful. Indeed, when I held my nose way back during the Clinton sex scandal and the NYT published an editorial of mine saying the sex scandal was stupid, we need to focus on real things, Mrs. Clinton sent me a personal letter thanking me.

    I wrote back, ‘You should divorce him, he should resign.’

    She was royally pissed at me.

  19. e sutton

    You tell it like it is! )giving my age away here, though, younger than you, Elaine, by a..), anyway, you seem like you’re always in the fore front of the matter and giving the PTB what for. To which I say, GO GIRL!)
    I dislike most politicians, and yet realize that,like anything else, personality sells. I suppose we’ll all continue to get along until we can’t any longer.

    I had another very difficult conversation with a long term associate in which she referred to Israel as “a Friend”. Well, I could barely help from dropping my teeth! She didn’t want to entertain any of the facts I confronted her with, and insisted that Israel and the U.S. are indeed allies. Mind you, this woman was born in l937. I was born about 25 years after she. Go figure!

  20. Luc

    Not sure where you got the ‘Brooks Brothers – creep’ part. Unless you know more than the official story.

  21. El Kabong

    Wars are a lot easier to get into than out of. Those who ask about exit strategies or question what will happen if assumptions prove wrong are rarely welcome at the conference table when the fire-breathers are demanding that we strike—as they did when advocating invading Iraq, intervening in Libya and Syria, or bombing Iran’s nuclear sites. But in recent decades, presidents confronted with tough problems abroad have too often been too quick to reach for a gun. Our foreign and national security policy has become too militarized, the use of force too easy for presidents.

    Today, too many ideologues call for U.S. force as the first option rather than a last resort. On the left, we hear about the “responsibility to protect” civilians to justify military intervention in Libya, Syria, Sudan and elsewhere. On the right, the failure to strike Syria or Iran is deemed an abdication of U.S. leadership. And so the rest of the world sees the U.S. as a militaristic country quick to launch planes, cruise missiles and drones deep into sovereign countries or ungoverned spaces. There are limits to what even the strongest and greatest nation on Earth can do—and not every outrage, act of aggression, oppression or crisis should elicit a U.S. military response.

    Lord Acton, the 19th century British historian and politician, famously stated that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. It would appear, however, that the United States has access to a secret Actonian codicil that states, ” … but US hegemonic power? That’s frickin’ awesome!” – because the government in Washington seems to be willfully blind to the costs, perils and abuses inherent in the acquisition and assertion of global hegemony.

    Hegemony – the unmatched ability to direct events, as opposed to power sufficient to protect and deter – is unambiguously baked into US policy.

  22. emsnews

    This is due to the bill they run up while running around the planet isn’t paid via much higher taxes. It is all IOUs sold mainly to China and Japan. Which is being ‘fixed’ by encouraging Japan to start WWIII with China!

  23. Luc

    ‘Which is being ‘fixed’ by encouraging Japan to start WWIII with China!’???
    Japan in a war? How much military do they have?

  24. Petruchio

    “Bilderbergs are BOTH PARTIES. IN FULL. They pretend to be ‘liberals’ and ‘conservatives’ but this is all political theater….” Sad but true. I note in passing how Arianna Huffington is starting a website for the 1% called the “World Post”. Ms Huffington is a complete fraud and sellout. She sold The Huffington Post to AOL and now this “World Post” website. I knew she was a fraud as soon as my attempts to post on the HuffPo were blocked; my computer would freeze up. My computer worked perfectly though on every other blog to which I post, so I know HuffPo was giving me the freeze out. No dissent–other than token dissent–on the HuffPo.

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