Monthly Archives: October 2017

DNC And Twitter Try To Destroy RT News, My Favorite ‘Real News’ Source

Under Pressure: Senator demands Twitter disclose WikiLeaks data – YouTube


Free speech and open information is now under total full attack by our Real Rulers using their usual tools, political operatives who use ‘Red Scare’ tactics.  It is no marvel to me that the pro-communist ‘left’ is being used as the cat’s paw of the Rulers.  The ‘left’ has gone full McCarthy Red Scare and the people falling for this, mostly young, inexperienced people who went through indoctrination at our universities, they have zero historical sense and cannot see how they mirror exactly the far right in the 1950’s.  Only Russia is capitalist!  Putin runs Russia and is a nationalist and the international super-rich hate this nationalism idealism and want to crush it utterly.

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Kennedy Assassination Secrets Slowly Appear: Soviets Suspected Organized Conspirators Killed Kennedy

My father got to know President Kennedy personally during the Cuban Missile Crisis.  He was the final advisor on the subject of what the Soviet ships were taking to Cuba during the tit for tat sparring over NATO stationing missiles in Turkey, a country which Putin recently pulled out of NATO and into a deepening alliance with Russia.  I had a front seat view of the dark, hidden politics behind the Kennedy assassination and no one believes me when I tell them all the international junk surrounding that event.

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DC Hamlet: Rosenstein And Mueller Must ‘Die’ As They Are Now Deep In DNC Scandal

Hamlet Act II – Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (David Tennant, Tim Roth, Gary Oldman) – YouTube


History is a bitch who loves to repeat herself as she writes in blood.  I am very amused that key players up on the stage tonight are…right out of Hamlet!  Rosencrantz is now Rosenstein in this latest Hamlet play, fretting on the world stage.  The Uranium deal Clintons and Obama made with Putin who the DNC, GOP and all ‘liberals’ and the mainstream fake news has told us, is pure evil…this is now exploding into everyone’s faces including McCain who is directly involved in this murky Clinton/Obama/Congress scam to sell uranium to Putin, and then blame Trump for this.

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Sex, Sex Everywhere…Bilderberg Gang Run From Women Screaming Rape


HAHAHA…the Skull and Bones dudes can’t get away from angry women screaming about sex while they parade about in skimpy dresses and high heels, standing really close to these silly male power people.  Sex sells and women peddling sex are outraged that men want sex with them when these same females wear signs around their necks saying ‘I am a prostitute’.  This is all very funny to me because at the same time women want to be ‘free’ they also want to be Saudi females who no man dare see or touch except the man who owns them, yes, this is the contradictions going on like crazy now.

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American Theater Leftist Actors Whine About Being Punished For Being Obscene And Rude

American Theater – YouTube


I came across this group called AMERICAN THEATRE and after looking at their home page, I said, ‘I bet they do lots of Brecht, the German pro-communist playwright,’ and I was correct: Brecht From All Angles: Poet, Playwright, Theorist, Storyteller proved this is their guiding light in theater.  This group, like many of its sort, survives on money from powerful leftists and paying very little money to participate, sort of like a Soviet gulag staff situation.  This is all part of the destructive university systems that kids, anxious to be rich and famous as actors, spend fortunes in debt money to go to schools that teach them ‘acting’ and then spits them out into the streets to hawk their skills in a field that is grossly overflowing with kids anxious to strike it rich.  And this is all about fraud and deception while the people running this school scam collect most of the loot for themselves.

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Hillary ‘Golden Showers’ Dossier Leads To ‘Nixon-style Dirty Tricks’ Crimes Against US Voters

Revealed: How Hillary paid for notorious ‘golden showers’ dossier on Trump: Her campaign lawyer funded dirty tricks firm’s research into his Russian links which came up with discredited claims| Daily Mail Online


The big story, aside from George HW Bush apologizes to Heather Lind over claims he goosed her in the fanny during a photo opt yesterday… | Daily Mail Online reports! HAHAHA…we are all the way back to Victorian England and are very amused…is the revelation that the real conspirators working for Putin, the real traitors are Hillary and the DNC gang!  This is intensely funny because it is so appropriate: the accuser being the real criminal is as old as the Bible!  How insane were our Bilderberg rulers to cook up utterly false charges of ‘colluding with Putin’ when they did this all the time?  I visit the NY Times to compare their freaky, fake news with London’s crazy rag, the Daily Mail.

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AlphaGo Zero: Self-Teaching Computer Systems Hides Grave Dangers To Humans

AlphaGo Versus AlphaGo: Interesting Mirror Game Reveals Real Mind of Computers | Culture of Life News


Periodically, I do news about the Japanese/Chinese Go Game computer business because I understand the game and I note with great alarm as it is being destroyed by single-minded computers who create very boring boards, speaking artistically.  Computers trend towards ugliness in general.  Humans, controlling computers, can created beauty but left to their own devices, computers are the polar opposite and this is important to understand because they create an anti-human culture, when left to themselves.  And I grew up around the top computers in the world starting way back in the early 1950s.


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Filed under .money matters