Salman Brothers Coup In Saudi Arabia Will Cause Civil War

The Saudi Game of Thrones ( House of Saud ) – YouTube

This coup that burst into a violent takeover of the Saudi Throne is going to set into motion a very violent religious war within Saudi Arabia.  Ron Paul and I agree this will probably trigger a civil war in SA.  I say this for a very obvious historical reason: when wars in neighboring countries fail the rulers then turn on each other at home.  This is how the War of the Roses began in England when the last lands ruled by the Crown fell to the French king.  I predict social and military chaos in SA.


Real Motive Behind Saudi Purge Emerges: $800 Billion In Confiscated Assets | Zero Hedge:  This is not just a purge, this is the opening shot in the War of the Saudis. Ron Paul notes that the war in Yemen will now be in SA, too.  The royal family isn’t popular, they are brutal rulers.  Even letting up a tiny bit on brutal, violent rule leads to chaos breaking out.  The smallest changes can cause great forces to erupt.


As we reported yesterday, the WSJ writes that the country’s central bank, the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority, said late Tuesday that it has frozen the bank accounts of “persons of interest” and said the move is “in response to the Attorney General’s request pending the legal cases against them.” But what is more notable, is that while we first suggested – jokingly – on Monday that the ulterior Saudi motive would be to simply “nationalize” the net worth of some of Saudi Arabia’s wealthiest individuals, now the WSJ confirms that this is precisely the case, and what’s more notably is that the amount in question is absolutely staggering: nearly 2x Saudi Arabia’s total foreign reserves!


When one needs to loot, it pays to attack someone with lots of loot.  This is what the Salman brothers are doing systematically, already they seized the richest Saudis and are holding them and I expect these men to die soon.  My mother stormed out of SA many years ago when they brutally killed a woman she knew.


One day later, a Reuters source reported that in a just as dramatic expansion of the original crackdown, bank accounts of over 1,200 individuals had been frozen, a number which was growing by the minute. Commenting on this land cashgrab, we rhetorically asked “So when could the confiscatory process end? As we jokingly suggested yesterday, the ruling Saudi royal family has realized that not only can it crush any potential dissent by arresting dozens of potential coup-plotters, it can also replenish the country’s foreign reserves, which in the past 3 years have declined by over $250 billion, by confiscating some or all of their generous wealth, which is in the tens if not hundreds of billions. If MbS continues going down the list, he just may recoup a substantial enough amount to what it makes a difference on the sovereign account.”


This is an open looting expedition.  There is no loot in Yemen.  The loot is in Saudi Arabia.  So logic is, who to loot?  Right now, the Salman brothers are looting relatives.  But this is going to spread for this is a clear sign there are no more ‘morals’ and ‘whoever can kill, should do that,’ is the new morals.


The government earlier this week vowed that it would arrest more people as part of the corruption investigation, which began around three years ago. As a precautionary measure, authorities have banned a large number of people from traveling outside the country, among them hundreds of royals and people connected to those arrested, according to people familiar with the matter. The government hasn’t officially named the people who were detained.


Most Saudis are unemployable in the sense of ‘real workers’.  Most of the ‘real work’ in business is foreign whereas ‘bureaucracy’ work is for Saudis who are mostly what I will bluntly call ‘lazy’.  That is, they issue orders but hate doing orders.


So, this lack of work ethic coupled with eruptions of great rage and energy when looting is the goal, you can bet there will be lots of looting going on, look at the US where three generations or more of minorities here have lost all work ethic and only know how to become violent and destructive.

Saudi Arabia has millions of very angry, bored, and unable to work young males who can erupt any hour.  I expect this to happen sooner rather than later.

Is Civil War Coming To Saudi Arabia? – YouTube

The Ron Paul interview is pretty good for an American figuring out the Saudis.  We had a Saudi prince live with my parents many years ago.  Ahem.  HAHAHA.  It was interesting, I was a teenager but already had my own home back then.  All the princes in SA have women in Europe and the US and resorts of various ports.


Luring these men home for the elevation of the present ruler and his sons was a tricky business and note that it was also a trap which can be sprung only once.


Putin has been sticking his nose into SA business for the last two years and we can bet he is very closely watching events there.  He knows the Saudis are in trouble for mixing in with the attempted coup in Syria which Putin thwarted.  This divided the Saudi royals some of whom didn’t want to get involved in that business.


The Israelis are very nervous today.  They do not want chaos in SA.  The corruption of the Saudi royals is most important to Israel and the interference in this regard came via the US Bilderberg Presidents doing the dirty work for Israel.


The Iranians are very interested in this grab for power by the Salman brothers.  If SA erupts into self destruction, look for swift moves to consolidate power in Yemen and perhaps even Egypt by the anti-Saudi Muslim leaders.  We will see interesting times!


From 2 years ago, from Iranian Press TV is a show about this Salman coup developing:


Filed under .money matters

19 responses to “Salman Brothers Coup In Saudi Arabia Will Cause Civil War

  1. tio

    Woe unto Mortgage Backed Securities ..
    [Karagul reflects further on this U.S.-Gulf-Israeli initiative: “The moderate Islam project was tried the most in Turkey…]

  2. An analysis of possibility of Saudi Arabia and Iran going to war, they are already at war via proxies in Yemen, Iraq and formerly Syria but Syria has killed off or driven off the last ISIS gangs who are now…where? Ahem.

  3. Petruchio

    “The Israelis are very nervous today.” The khazarians have ALOT to be worried about. They have to worry about Iran. They have to worry about a coming war with Hezbollah, which most commentators consider to be only a matter of time. And now there is turmoil–Big Time–with their cousins, the Saudis. And the Russians warned the Israelis that if Russia discovers that Israel has been supplying arms to Ukraine, Russia will–their words–bomb Israel back to the Stone Age. Now we all know why the Israelis talked the US War Machine into establishing a base in Israel. The Israelis aren’t stupid; they know they can’t handle all their enemies at one time. In fact, it’s getting kind of doubtful that Israel can handle just Hezbollah.

  4. timothy carroll

    So, this lack of work ethic coupled with eruptions of great rage and energy when looting is the goal, you can bet there will be lots of looting going on, look at the US where three generations or more of minorities here have lost all work ethic and only know how to become violent and destructive.

    Bear in mind, when most whites talk about “generations”, they mean a period of about 25 years. Where negroes are concerned, consider a generation to be about 15 years. Hence, there are no shortage of great grandmothers in the negro coon-munity who are no more than in their late 40’s.

  5. timothy carroll

    Please control the urge to be nasty. Thanks.

  6. Now, don’t say that about the British royals! Or the Saudi royals with 50 children each.

  7. Christian W

    Israel does not *have* to worry about Iran. Iran, just like Hezbollah, from the Israeli perspective is a consequence of contradictions inherent to Israel and Zionism.

    Israel is in the same position as Saudi Arabia and the US is. Israel, the US and the KSA are nations that cannot afford not to grow. They are all addicted to growth. In Israels case it MUST grow physically meaning it simply must steal more land, more water, more oil/gas, more farmland, more land for settlements etc. Without those it will stagnate and eventually implode; unless it abandons Zionism. Therefore the dynamics of Israel and Saudi Arabia, and for other reasons, the US, means WAR. That is the reason Israel worries about Iran. Iran simply is the main opposing force to illegal Israeli expansion in the region.

    Iran, Hezbollah, Russia won this last round resoundingly (against ISIS and Al Qaeda death squad proxies, in many cases directly lead by US/UK/French/Israeli/Turkish/Saudi Special Forces officers) resoundingly thanks to Russia stepping in with their Aerospace and Special Forces.

    This was the third time Hezbollah defeated Israel tactically and strategically. Each time the strategic significance for Israel has been more sinister.

    Now Israel, the KSA and the US must dig deeper into their box of dirty, and increasingly desperate, tricks. All three nations are deeply divided internally. Time is running out, which just adds more pressure to the war crazies to cook up some desperate stuff, stuff like the Saudi Night of the Long Knives which is a historically significant moment much like the Nazi Night of the Long Knives was, or 9/11.

  8. remarks by “timothy carroll” seem to be intentionally offensive in their terminology – are you OK with this, ems?

  9. Correct and I didn’t notice it, being so busy today. Will remove.

  10. Petruchio

    @#8 Christian W. So in your view Israel’s future is inevitable because of Zionism? Even if this future means being ‘bombed into the Stone Age’ as the Russians threatened? I’m not a military strategy expert, but I think it’s obvious that Israel is vulnerable to attack Their main population centers are easy to ID. I think a lot of their airbases are easy to locate. And Israel is such a small country it wouldn’t be difficult to attack them all at once. And worst of all for Israel is that these attacks could all be carried out before the IDF can fully mobilize. This was almost the case in the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Anyway you look at it, the future looks really dark for Israel, but hey!!! Theay are: GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE, right? (the fact-based answer is NO.)

  11. Lou

    12– Samson Option.

  12. Christian W

    As long as Israel is run by nutters such as Netanyahu Israel’s destruction, or implosion, not necessarily a military defeat, is inevitable. Netanyahu has only one gear, attack. He is a psycho and he simply cannot not attack. He is in deep trouble domestically and time is running out for the Likudniks, just as time is running out for Saudi Arabia. Nothing lasts forever. Just like the Zionist grip on power in the US won’t last forever the Zionists cannot ethnically cleanse and manipulate everyone forever, at some point karma will come back and bite them/the wheel of fortune will turn/whatever metaphor you want to use.

  13. Christian W

    US school sells bulletproof panels for students’ backpacks


    The US has gone completely nuts.

  14. Christian W

    “CIA wrote code ‘to impersonate’ Russia’s Kaspersky Lab anti-virus company, WikiLeaks says”


    What’s really interesting is that the CIA hacked the comments section on RT to complain hahahahahaha.

    The CIA hates Kaspersky (and Wikileaks and RT of course) because Kaspersky is very good at finding the CIA’s hacking and tracking tools on the internet.

  15. Yes. The CIA continues the disinformation campaign with the help of Bilderberg GOP and DNC tools in DC.

  16. Petruchio

    @#12 Lou: If Israel uses their nukes, Israel gets vaporized. It won’t just be no more Tel Aviv, it will be ALL of Khazaria is a Middle Eastern Chernobyl. I would think that that reality alone would deter Israel from going nuclear. Yeah I get it. War is insanity, but still. The prospect of having 90% of your population die in a nuclear conflict should deter all but the most insane.

  17. Christian W

    Israel is tiny. It would take just one ‘Bomba’ to completely wipe it off the face of the earth. Russia has bombs that can take out an area of France with one hit. Three or four Bombas on Israel and I doubt there would be any survivors worth speaking of.

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