Tag Archives: Poland

Global Warmist Nazis Want To Freeze Poland To Death: UN Global Warming Meeting Today

Honey, I’m back from the Polish global warming summit! We saved the planet from warm weather!


This very same weekend when the French people rioted over the global warming taxes on fuel, the globalists and the Bilderberg gang had a global meeting in cold Poland to demand we make the planet colder and tax workers and others who use fossil fuels and transfer this money to equatorial nations that have nothing to worry about, there being no winters there!  These lunatics also want everyone in the very coldest parts of the earth to cease using fossil fuels.  Especially those pesky Polish people who insist on doing this! The Nazis on the left hate the Polish for using coal.  They want them to freeze!  Fix them Poles good!!!

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French Prison Guards Have No Guns! Violent Criminals Easily Escape!

From just six months ago: ‘We are everything they hate’…French prison guards fearing for their safety go on strike – YouTube


One guard for 90 inmates, many are like the helicopter fugitive, are Muslims.  A woman is in charge of French prisons.  Europe decided, after allowing the Bilderberg gang to run riot there, to commit mass suicide.  Why?  I am so puzzled by all this.  The Global Warming Gang and the Zero Population Growth Gang both spooked Europe, Japan and North America into ceasing having children while third world socieites invaded and began wildly reproducing after forcing their way into dying first world/zero population growth/industry is evil countries.

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BBC Tries To Explain How Evil Poland Is For Not Allowing Muslim Invaders

(3) Poland’s identity crisis – BBC Newsnight – YouTube


The British BBC attacks the Polish people who are very anxious to not take in millions of angry Muslim males.  The UK did this and look at how lovely it has been like in Germany and Sweden and France: high crime rates, lots of terror attacks and lots of rapes.  So why are these insane nations demanding Poland ape them in self destruction?  Ask the insane people at the BBC who are all liberals and who hate modern civil rights and freedoms and want no free speech to discuss all this garbage.


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EU Goes To War With Warsaw: Germany, France Punishes Poles For No Muslim Policies


EU triggers unprecedented proceedings against Poland, sanctions could follow — RT World News


The real reason for the EU deciding to attack Poland’s bid for some sovereignty is due 100% to the insane push of replacing EU citizens with illegal aliens mainly from Muslim nations.  This overt invasion is destroying Europe which has been self-destructing for quite a while as marriage and having children continues to collapse as it is collapsing in Japan, for example.  Few liberals bother to think about why all this is happening and how suicidal liberalism is, inviting in aliens who hate liberals, for example.  Why are so many people suicidal?  I wonder about that every day.

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More Terror Attacks In NATO Countries, More ANTIFA vs Nationalist Clashes

Across the NATO countries, the right is on the march.  Leftists have been allowed free rein to run riot for several years now as the Bilderberg gang let in millions and millions of illegal alien Muslims invade, in the US, they even went to court in California and other DNC-run state to demand Trump let in millions of aliens, but with these same aliens now at war with the citizens in NATO countries, street fights are breaking out as young people on either side of the divide, fight.  The Bilderberg gang runs the media systems and always sides with ANTIFA rioters as we saw this week in the US.  But this is failing fast and we see in the news today: the Muslim terror attacks are doubling down now.

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EU Threatens Hungary, Poland and Russia At The Same Time

Hungary cracking down on Muslim migrants (Warning: Graffic images) – 2015, Hungary stood its ground and stopped the Million Muslim Male march.   The dozen or so children were there as a demand of entry.  We have the same thing happening on our borders and Trump has backed off on securing our nation, a major promise being broken.  Since this video was made, the Hungarian army is along the borders to stop illegal aliens and NATO is pissed as hell and wants them to confront Russia who is protecting its borders, too.  The EU is doomed.


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The EU Conspiracy Is Collapsing, Anti-EU Right Is Rising Rapidly

Now the EU is attacking Poland for causing trouble for this conspiracy to rule Europe ruthlessly.  I read in fake news like the NYT, that the EU will force England to bend knee to the apparatchiks who run Europe on behalf of the Bildernberg billionaires who exploit the place to further their own powers which includes, no sovereignty for anyone else but themselves, open borders and keeping the populations locked at home, scared, due to violent illegal aliens allowed to run riot everywhere.  It was TOO SUCCESSFUL and now Europe is falling to pieces and citizens are in open revolt.

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