Another Polar Vortex Sub Zero Midweek: Global Warmists Want To Eliminate All Debates

freeze map March 10, 2014

Intellicast – Frost & Freeze in United States: Below is a map showing the next Arctic cold front that will send temperatures plunging yet again, down to near zero here in the Northeast by  Wednesday night:

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The cruel grip of winter continues its stranglehold on North America.  Meanwhile, the South is warming up until this cold wave hits yet again so we can talk about how we are all going to roast to death.  One of the strangest things about the ongoing debates this year is how typical Ice Age impending conditions are being blamed on it being too hot.  Droughts, for example, are very much ice age climate conditions.  The temporary flooding we see in the warmer places like England and Europe is the tail end of a warming cycle, not the beginning.


The discomfort about extreme cold disproving global warming has the War Against Warm Weather folk in a snit.  Today’s news is a mainstream media story about how all discussion about global warming should be totally censored and only one point of view, that we are all roasting to death, is to be allowed.  The champion who is mindlessly pushing to suppress all scientific and social debate is Neil deGrasse Tyson who went on TV to  tell CNN: Stop giving ‘equal time to the flat Earthers’ | The Raw Story


Stelter observed that the news media often tried to balance the climate change debate, even when the two sides were not equal.


“What responsibility do you think the members of the media have to portray science correctly,” the CNN host wondered.


“The media has to sort of come out of this ethos that I think was in principle a good one, but it doesn’t really apply in science,” Tyson explained. “The principle was, whatever story you give, you have to give the opposing view. And then you can be viewed as balanced.”


“You don’t talk about the spherical Earth with NASA, and then say let’s give equal time to the flat Earthers,” he added. “Plus, science is not there for you to cherry pick.”


Seems a huge crop of cherries this year for the global warmist believers.  They have worked hard to ignore one of the coldest winters in the last 100 years.  They have convinced our leader, Obama, to say absolutely nothing about the severe cold and instead, in the middle of smashing blizzards, he fled to sunny southern California to announce that it is hot…there!  And they need to be rescued.


I am intensely angry about this.  I went to the local feedlot to buy something for transferring diesel fuel for my tractor and on the front door is a big hand written sign: NO MORE PELLETS FOR SALE.  The previous sign warned people they were limiting sales to only ten bags per person.  Now it is none!  No wonder one of my neighbors paid a visit to ask for pellets the other day!


People are suffering due to this severe cold and are scared of the impending cold wave which will, yet again, send temperatures here to zero.  No one at the top of the power pyramid is giving us any aid at all.  Another blizzard and all the materials used to deal with these are in short supply, people are spending the last of their incomes trying to survive, my electric bill has doubled due to running out of cheaper fuels for the power stations.  This is a catastrophe with zero sympathy and help from liberals.


Liberals are earning a really nasty reputation due to clinging to the global warming scheme.  I worried about this several years ago and now I am totally alarmed.  Here is CNN having an ‘interview’ with a creature who works for the rulers, telling us, ‘Oh, we must end all debates about warming, see?  You are doomed to die of the heat!  So obey your rulers who want to tax energy.’


Below is a website for people living in the far north begging them to make it colder so skiers can have fun, to hell with families dying of the cold:




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Cool Planet is run by this clown:


Dr. Patz is a wave 2 Birkie Skier, IPCC Scientist and Director of the Global Health Institute at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. He is a lead author of several United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports and was part of the team that shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.


He is one of the authors of the lies about the sun!  Wow.  And he thinks this is all grand fun!  He will toddle about in the snow whooping it up while people freeze to death.  I wonder how many people came to his party?  HAHAHA:  Blizzard-Winter Storm Of February 20th, 2014 – NOAA.  I assume only polar bears and people with snowmobiles came if anyone.  I do hope a polar bear showed up and ate him.


Those of us who think the sun is mainly responsible for warming and cooling have pointed out that other planets have warmed up during the previous 30 years and are now cooling off again.  From 2007:  Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says


Mars, too, appears to be enjoying more mild and balmy temperatures.


In 2005 data from NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide “ice caps” near Mars’s south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.


Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg’s Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun.


“The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars,” he said.


Back in 2007, this story raised howls of protest from the IPCC and Dr. Patz, aka, Snowman. According to the IPCC, Snowman is the hero and Batman is evil.

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The IPCC and Patz are working overtime trying to create an alternative universe.   Here is the latest attempt at ridding us of planetary warming:  Climate myths: Mars and Pluto are warming too – environment – 16 May 2007 – New Scientist


There is a great deal of uncertainty, though. The warming could be a regional effect. And recent results from the thermal imaging system on the Mars Odyssey probe suggest that the polar cap is not shrinking at all, but varies greatly from one Martian year to the next, although the details have yet to be published.


I grew up in various observatories.  I remember my grandfather’s photographs of Mars.  He was THE Mars expert 100 years ago.  He mapped Mars frequently.  The polar ice was greater when I was a child.  I have been astonished about how they shrank to the small size they are today.  Now, I bet they are growing in size again.


After telling us to ignore volcanoes, the warmists are now saying THIS is causing the cooling, not the sun:  Volcanoes are cooling Earth – Will steep rebound in global warming follow?  Yes, they want it to have us screaming about the future projections yet again.  And then there is the wind:  Volcanoes, trade winds may be behind ‘pause’ in global warming and who knows what else!


But not the sun! Oh, no, not the sun.

sunset borger

side picture begging boneEmail:



P.O. BOX 483

BERLIN, NY 12022

Make checks out to ‘Elaine Supkis’

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sunset borger


Filed under weather news

45 responses to “Another Polar Vortex Sub Zero Midweek: Global Warmists Want To Eliminate All Debates

  1. ziff

    Waaa? thats weird our bc forecast is for spring this week. first frogs of spring were going last night right on schedule with DLS

  2. Luc

    ‘People are suffering due to this severe cold and are scared of the impending cold wave which will, yet again, send temperatures here to zero. No one at the top of the power pyramid is giving us any aid at all.’

    The government is broke. 17 Trillion in acknowledged debt.

    Why should it offer aid? Adults have ‘freedom of movement’.
    In yr case I would like you to sell some stories and get a small condo in Florida with the $. Be a snowbird. I dont like to think of you shoveling snow at 10 below. In March yet!

  3. Christian W

    The IPCC and Patz are working overtime trying to create an alternative universe.

    They are simply sucking down science into the Neocon/neoliberal (is there a difference?) alternative universe.

    All this Climate Change Hysteria is obvious BS (Bullshit Baffles Brains remember, one of their favourite tactics). It is impossible to have a sane discussion about anything in the US anymore for the simple reason that reality is opposed to neocon policies IF you define reality as viable long term solutions that benefit mankind and not only a small click of the uber rich/Zionist zealots.

  4. emsnews

    History of the Earth in the last 5 million years: warmer is better, cold is bitter.

    Warm=more plants, more animals, happy humans.

    Cold=death during long winter nights, lots of fur, big, big predators and even bigger whales and other mammals.

  5. Luc

    Christian W, see my link above this.

    [All this Climate Change Hysteria is obvious BS (Bullshit Baffles Brains remember, one of their favourite tactics).

    It is impossible to have a sane discussion about anything in the US [!!!!!!]

    anymore for the simple reason that reality is opposed to neocon policies IF you define reality as viable long term solutions that benefit mankind and not only a small click of the uber rich/Zionist zealots.]

  6. emsnews

    Yes, I just saw the stupid Branson article!!!

    He is Mr. CO2 Pollution! He is exactly the sort of utter jerk one finds screaming about how we are all going to roast to death…and then flying jets all over the atmosphere at a mad rate and even sub-space craft now!

    They are all invested in CO2 derivative swap markets and he is just one of many who is very rich playing this game. This clown will plant some tiny saplings in some third world country after evicting the natives, and claim he is making a forest while at the same time taxing me for my real life, multi million leaf tree forest.

  7. wellwell

    Patz is a putz.

    Elaine, will you have enough wood if this cold weather lasts into April?

  8. emsnews

    I have enough wood for the simple reason, I knew at the end of October that this winter would be very brutal up here. Observing the sun, the animals, insects and the trees all clearly showed the looming winter would be very serious.

  9. JimmyJ

    That’s bad that your local store is out of pellets. I can pass on some links to local pellet manufactures and maybe the store can arrange some deliveries or at least widen the net for next year.

    Pinnacle Renewable Energy Group

    Pacific BioEnergy

    Premium Pellet Ltd.

    Vanderhoof Specialty Wood Products

    These are all pellet producers from near my community in North Central BC, there are others in the province as well.

    I should add that pellets now produced will generally have less BTU than pellets from 5-10 years ago due to the pine wood they are based on being dead standing pine beetle killed wood that is partially rotten. You will pay a higher price for lower BTU fuel at least from BC and Alberta where the pine beetle has spread. Far as I know the pine beetle hasn’t hit eastern Canada yet.

  10. JimmyJ

    Forgot to add that all these pellet mills are all on rail, and our area is a major rail hub to eastern Canada and US for container traffic from container ports on our coast, so whether truck or rail deliveries would be rather fast.

  11. melponeme_k

    Senate pulling all nighter to make sure the oligarchs can raise our energy costs to usurious rates during the coldest winter ever. And they are trying to make it look as if the people called for this nonsense.

  12. emsnews

    Liberals are delusional. I am a liberal and this pisses me off. I know in my cold bones that liberals are committing suicide with this insane belief system that eats away at their ability to appeal to anyone sane.

    I have noted in the past that reading comments at liberal websites, they are CRUEL, vicious, nasty when talking about the cold. They literally sneer and mock anyone saying that this is extremely cold.

    And that this is over a quarter of the earth! Not ‘local weather’. I was, to be frank, interested in a sad way to see that all of Africa is colder than normal, too which means half of the earth is below normal, that the equatorial landmasses are cooling off and only Australia and the northern half of Europe is warmer than normal.

  13. Luc

    Libs are / were nasty w regards to Palins retarded infant, rape jokes [or are they threats?] aimed at attractive female conservative Talk Hosts etc.
    Liberals disgust me!
    As of y’day Google had a ‘ban bossy’ campaign.

  14. Luc


    Daily Caller:
    The following PSA is sort of the flip side of my previous post. It’s considered acceptable to use any word you want to describe Sarah Palin — even print up t-shirts calling her a word that’ll get you a slap in the face if your mother loves you — because she’s an enemy of the left. No outpouring of rage is off-limits. Etiquette, logic, and all other higher brain functions completely shut down.

    Does that mean we should try to ban those ugly words? Nope. Those idiots have every right to be idiots, as loudly and angrily as they please.


    ELAINE: I proudly wave my bossy banner!

    Once, I was accused by Holy Hubbert a street preacher in SF back in the hippie sixties, of being ‘the Whore of Babylon!’ So I made a Whore of Babylon Tshirt and wore this proudly. Wish I still had it. Though now it would be ‘HAG of Babylon’. 🙂

  15. Luc

    Last week NYU Law announced that former Weather Underground member and convicted murderer [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

    Kathy Boudin would be a scholar-in-residence. She’s the latest in a series of former left-wing radicals with cozy university appointments. Michael Moynihan on how left-wing criminals ended up lecturing America’s college students. [Daily Beast]

  16. Luc

    The reason I got here today was to post this…the other posts were in reply to EMS post above them.

    Unilateral Climate Disarmament

    As Russia and China surge into the power vacuum resulting from the lack of American leadership, and the terrorists running Iran put the finishing touches on their nuclear weapons, Secretary of State John Kerry has proclaimed that “climate change can now be considered the world’s largest weapon of mass destruction, perhaps even, the world’s most fearsome weapon of mass destruction.”

    Inspired by nighttime aerial views of North Korea, where statist ideology has been taken to its logical conclusion, here Hanoi John applies his climate change observation to policy: [Moon Battery]

  17. emsnews

    Well, tomorrow is going to be 0F here.

    Yes, the huge push is on now: Weather, this mysterious thing that is actually Mother Nature or even more unsettling, Apollo, the Sun God, is out to kill us all so to fix this we must tax ourselves in the cold parts of the planet and transfer this to the rich and powerful who own huge estates in the equatorial pleasant parts of the planet.

    Then, we get to freeze to death! Whoopee. And thus, Apollo will be thwarted!

    Human sacrifices always work wonders.

  18. Luc

    Ziff, is that unusual for BC in March?

  19. El Kabong

    Global Warming as Religion and not Science

    A rather good article on the commonalities of global warming believers and promoters with traditional religious beliefs.

  20. Christian W

    Liberals are delusional. I am a liberal and this pisses me off. I know in my cold bones that liberals are committing suicide with this insane belief system that eats away at their ability to appeal to anyone sane.

    I have noted in the past that reading comments at liberal websites, they are CRUEL, vicious, nasty when talking about the cold. They literally sneer and mock anyone saying that this is extremely cold.

    Our government, both parties, encourage fascism. The key to this is Israel. It is one of the most heavily armed openly fascist states on earth.

    These people are not liberals, they are ‘liberals’. The US system ALREADY is sucked into the alternative reality created by the neoliberals and neocons. It has already happened, it is not some dismal, dystopic future event.

    Once you embrace this reality mentally it is easy not to get upset or sucked into discussions with deliberately warped mindsets. You cannot play on their terms since the game is rigged on purpose. Trying to debate these people is to be sucked into a manufactured bullshit loop designed to turn back on itself in eternity. In other words there is no point in applying logic, reason or rationality to these people, you will only defeat yourself.

    They have taken the strength of the liberal, rational mindset and structured thinking and turned the strength of it into a trap. Any reasonble discussion presupposes that both parts are interested in finding out true facts and the truth and that both parts are willing to embrace that truth.

    But since we are dealing with twisted minds who don’t care one wit for the truth and who are only interested in winning at ALL COSTS, no matter what, this presupposition is worthless. It is only used to make rational people waste their time and effort in futile efforts trying to talk sense into closed mindsets. And the designers of this system now this.

    Liberalism in the US is dead. All systems allowed are fake. People identifying with any officially embraced system are delusional. It is pointless to talk about ‘left’ and ‘right’ as if the words have any definition close to what they used to have in the old days in this context.

  21. ziff

    Luc , its perfectly normal , spring frog song nearly to the day.

  22. ziff

    Christian, liberals were already fake during the vietnam years, war was wrong because it was bad for US not because it was just bad, thats my memory , could be wrong.

  23. Christian W

    That is most likely true Ziff, sadly. It must be said fake liberalism is by no means only an American disease. A lot of scoundrels hide behind patriotism.

  24. Luc

    Todays laughs!

    I was watching a ‘Discover Channel’ type show on [drum rolllllll]
    THE SOUTH POLE! A scientist bemoaning ‘it is 6 degrees colder here than it was 60 years ago. See those penguins, they are doomed’.
    Cut to – rocks, snow, ice, penguin.

    Thanks to EMS, I think, hmmmm if it gets warmer some plants can grow on those rocks and support many species.

    Later I go outside and see a car emblazoned with ‘0 emissions vehicle’
    and I think, is it powered by coal? Cars are made of aluminum and plastic. They ride on roads that pollute!
    But if that car does not ‘expel carbon’!

  25. Luc

    In Wisconsin, in a brutal winter….what do ‘progressives’ want?

    Grassroots Northshore
    February 16
    Climate Justice and Peace

    Tue, February 18, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
    Where: Urban Ecology Center-Riverside, 1500 E. Park Pl., Milwaukee

    The Interfaith Earth Network presents “Faith and Ecology”: A Conversation on Climate Justice and Peace.

    A tragic truth about climate change is that it disproportionately affects the poor.

    Islanders are losing their homelands due to rising sea levels, the urban poor are suffering the consequences of toxic waste, polluted air and water, and those most challenged as a result of Hurricane Katrina were the poor of the 7th ward.

    It is clear that climate disruption is fueling the fires of injustice.

    So what is the impact of climate change on peacemaking? A recent study substantiates strong connections between climatic events and human conflict across the globe.

  26. emsnews

    Even here on the radio, the public station had our own representatives in congress talking about weather disasters. They mentioned floods, hurricanes and droughts.

    NOT ONE MENTIONED BLIZZARDS! Even as a blizzard is rapidly approaching yesterday!!!

    This is NOT about ‘climate change’ but global warming! So we have a right to call them all asses for misunderstanding what is going on.

    Disruptive weather always comes when global cooling begins!!!! Especially droughts and floods. The key is, we also have more blizzards.

  27. Luc

    Indeed, I could not ‘say’ it better. In Wisconsin during a brutal winter, indoctrinated White folk worry about…….global warming????


  28. emsnews

    They earnestly want to save the planet. It is rather sad, Mother Nature holds the whip here.

  29. CK

    Tonite it is going to be rain and freeze, and then it looks like we might see some of our favourite season … the mud season. There is so much snow on the ground melting here that what was lawn is just mud. This winter has been evil.
    The first storm did over $1000 damage to my pine trees and maples. The deer ate the fig buds which normally they ignore. And we can’t kill the damn vermin because Bambi or some such ignorance.

  30. Luc

    CK, what state / country are you in?

  31. emsnews

    Almost zero here tonight. Worse, NEXT WEEK it will again drop to near zero! I am just amazed. Yes, it is raining right now which is normal but going repeatedly into at or below zero is not normal at all and is indicative of looming global cooling.

  32. CK

    The polar express blew through here last night, at 11pm it was 50+ by 3 am it was 15. When all this snow melts there is going to be a bit of flooding to go with the rest of the damage. On the bright side, these sudden temp swings from way above to way below should indicate a superb Maple syrup production year and maybe even a decrease in maple syrup prices. Bacon prices have escalated so much recently that I was temped by turkey bacon ( only of a moment; one must steel ones will and turkey bacon is a will steeler if there ever was one.)

  33. emsnews

    We already set the taps of a row of maple trees and yes, on the warm days it flows like crazy. Warm nights are bad but below zero is no good, either.

  34. Luc

    ‘NEXT WEEK’ Is the 22nd, spring…-0 in Spring?

  35. CK

    For many years before he passed, my neighbor ran a tap line and boiled off in his back yard sugaring shed. Maple syrup, maple sugar, maple cream, if it could be finessed from maple sap he made it.

  36. emsnews

    Thank god that blizzard is missing our mountain!

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