Tag Archives: IPCC

El Gizouli, New IPCC Figurehead Barely Can Speak In Public


The above video is the only public thing online that shows us how this new spokesperson who is supposed to run international meetings, can barely talk, and it isn’t his poor English skills, he makes NO SENSE AT ALL.  He just strings along various memes, various bullet points which litter his long sentences like boulders on a beach.  And this guy is running meetings??? How does anyone talk to him on the phone?  And he isn’t some outback African who just stumbled into the room, this guy has been around all over the place for over 50 years!

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This Week Is Coldest Ever For New York And Boston


Global Warming: A closer look at the numbersThanks To The IPCC, the Public Doesn’t Know Water Vapor Is Most Important Greenhouse Gas.


This jerk writing for Forbes Magazine lives in California and is whining about not being able to ski every winter but is too much a jerk to move to my mountain where there is plenty of snow to ski:Climate Change, Megadroughts Will Likely Force Me To Move – Forbes Magazine.  Forbes, by the way, is a member of the Bilderberg gang:

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California Drought Long Gone While Amazon Natives Furious About Global Warming Plans

global warming is so cold

California is getting lots and lots and lots of rain so of course, the sun lovers of Malibu who want to freeze the rest of humanity are now whining because global cooling is hammering them now.  Even so, the global warmists cling to their ideology desperately.  At the CO2 ‘let’s strangle capitalism and kill millions like in North Korea’ meeting continues, the natives of Africa and South America have finally figured out that THEY will be forced to live in total poverty to cool the planet even more.

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Inept Computer Program Using IPCC Assumptions Shows Fishes Will Move North If It Is Warmer

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The ‘climate change’ people bring us yet another ‘study’ that ‘proves’ that we are all going to die if it is somewhat warmer in the future, though a lot cooler than during the Minoan Age, and this disaster will be caused by CO2 in the atmosphere.  Most ‘studies’ about the terror of ‘climate change’ are mostly computer programs using dodgy data to project into the future scary scenarios.  Then are reported in the news as facts, not computer programs using false data points.


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Avalanches At Everest And Still No El Nino Pacific Warming

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The huge avalanche in April in the Himalayan mountains shows how much snow fell this year: a lot.  The fantasy that glaciers are melting and there is less snow is in a final collapse.  May is the best month for climbing Everest safely and it isn’t at all safe due to the high levels of snow.  Now, more professors are coming out of the closet to dispute global warming predictions and scientific excuses.

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After Brief Warm Spell Ice Cold Winter Surges Across Most Of North America Including Canada

severe cold sweeps across US mid April


The tiny warm spot near my home is due to the fact that this terrible cold front has yet to hit, it is coming, with snow, tonight and well below freezing temperatures.  It goes all the way from the North Pole where the polar bears romp all the way down well into Mexico.  The fury about CO2 is rising rapidly in some quarters while many of us freeze to death which is causing a social schizophrenia.  What this has done is kill liberalism as a movement. The more liberals cling to global warming, the colder it gets, the more disgraced liberals are and when they propose to strangle us all to death due to baseless fears of warming as we get colder, this is a double whammy.  And I am a liberal!  But also a realist. Continue reading


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Global Warming Cures Are Designed To Destroy Most Northern Climate Populations

The Huffington Post is very big on the global warming business so this is the headline yesterday about the IPCC report:  World Running Out Of Time To Stop Global Warming, UN Report Says

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