Tag Archives: Mao

Military PC Police Issue Orders 100% Forbidding Certain Common English Words!

Obama Air Force PC Police Officer issues orders of which words are 100% forbidden to be used, ever!  This amazing story is not amazing at all.  This PC insanity started at our Universities which are 90% run by ‘liberals’ who love Hillary Clinton and her gang of Maoists.  Now, the military is being ordered around, in this case, by a female officer put up in the ranks to harass others about being ‘sexually inappropriate’ and this reminds me greatly about Madame Mao.

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ANTIFA Rioters Were Created By Marxist Professors

ANTIFA rioters attack citizens.

Grassroots young people given money by fascists to riot against Trump.

Infowars uncovers that the people giving money to bail out  violent ANTIFA rioters has professors on the list.  ‘Social justice programs’ are taught in colleges.  Professors give credit to ‘hands on experience’ in doing all sorts of fun things like joining ANTIFA.

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Trump Pisses Of China Communist Rulers By Talking To Taiwan


Vibrant Chinese Propaganda Art – Part 1: Revolution, Revolution, Revolution | Crestock.com Blog


OMG, look at this breaking news: Trump Speaks With Taiwan’s Leader, an Affront to China – The New York Times and the Washington Post and all the US tools howl like banshees.  The communist Chinese hate my guts for I forced them down during the crack down on the students and they had to follow my demands or else and they will never forgive me (they said to me in front of the UN) and…Bush Sr. wanted to OBEY Beijing’s demands the students be shipped back to China to be punished.  So here we are: a future President is like me, defying the Chinese communists.  HAHAHAHA.

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New Maoist Dictators, Facebook And Google Both Want To Totally Control Media And Content


Facebook Reveals Seven Point Plan To Eradicate “Fake News”: the fake liberals who are in Silicon Valley and other hip places that pretend they love freedom, are on the warpath against all the rest of us who use online services to talk about the world, talk with each other and speculate about everything possible.  These cretins want to shut the internet down and run it like Maoist Chinese.  That is, only they get to talk freely, the rest of us will be censored in various tricky ways.  The Age of Liberal Repression will now commence.  To hell with these creeps.  How dare they silence everyone else while they pursue their private delusions?

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Political Correctness And Its Real Enemies: The NYT Goes Full Maoism To Attack Real Liberals

Red Guards Apologize For Cultural Revolution – YouTube  (in Chinese…sorry)

Political Correctness and Its Real Enemies – The New York Times is a hilarious editorial by the NYT staff about a school one of my ancestors founded and it is also the same bizarre school where one of my ancestors began the Skull and Bones witch coven which many of our Presidents joined and learned how to do black magic.  Which is why one of my ancestors fled England way back when the New World was discovered, to help found and live in the first Dutch town in the New World, New Amsterdam.  Yale now has many ernest kiddies who demonstrate for more blacks on campus and fewer arrests of black criminals (oh, they will get that demand in spades!) and they are NOT demonstrating against the Skull and Bones.


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Maoist Radical Students Attack Trump Chicago Rally, Forcing It To Shut Down

Chaos, Protests at Trump Rally in Chicago (FULL ) Trump Rally in Chicago Cancelled; massive protest – YouTube


Violent Scuffles Cause Chicago Rally for Trump to Be Canceled as violent leftists attack a legal political rally.  Now, leftists think they can dominate via violence and obscene screaming but instead, the bulk of Americans see this illegal behavior for what it is: thugs, neo-Maoist suppression of political opposition.  The right is seething with rage now when these stupid students prevented a legal, non-violent political rally.  More than one rally for Trump has been disrupted by leftists who think this is OK, instead of having rival rallies, why not attack people instead!  And then they whine that they are ejected. Well…the next rally will see Trump with a lot of strong arm guys protecting him!

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Campus Culture Warriors Kill Free Yoga Classes: PC Runs Wild

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Right at the end of the Cultural Revolution, my father was invited to China to talk to Mao.  While there, he got in a fight with Madame Mao over her dictate that he and my mom sleep in separate beds.   He refused and demanded a double bed.  She said, ‘Nixon didn’t complain last week when he slept here!’ And my wonderful dad said, ‘But I happen to love MY wife!’  He got his double bed when Chou Enlai intervened.  Now, this sexual PC harassment in China is happening in the US over specific issues: sex and race.  Students are on the march and are firing and intimidating professors and others.  It is getting rapidly out of hand.


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