Tag Archives: Nature Magazine

There Is No Hockey Stick Warming: Gaming Statistics At The IPCC


The rise and fall of the Hockey Stick

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To push the Kyoto Accords  in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks, the first graph from 1990 was eliminated and a new one showing a hockey stick warming was used by the IPCC.  Propaganda was pushed warning us we were going to be terrorized by warm weather and all die unless…oil and gas was taxed very high!  This was agreed at the Bilderberg meeting which is why Al Gore was used to push this storyline hard.  The controversy about how this hockey stick was created rages today.  We are going to review this controversy in my own way, first, the debate: Continue reading


Filed under weather news

Sun Spot Activity Increases, Arctic Vortex Fades

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SpaceWeather.com — News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

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Filed under weather news

Global Warming Mob Attacks Solar Astrophysics Professor, Soon…Because He Thinks Sun Determines Climate

Instead of welcoming real debates, many people on both the left and right, people holding various positions on many things hew to some ideological line no matter what.  One place of such battles that interests me a lot due to my family for three generations being so big on studying our nearest star, the sun and how their work has been minimized to nearly nothing by ‘climatologists’, I encourage this battle over ‘what runs our climate?’

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Filed under weather news