Tag Archives: Asia

Once Again, Most Math Winners Are Asian And Trump Attacked By Our Rulers For ‘Make America Great AGAIN’ Hats!

School Bans Student from Wearing “Make America Great Again Hat” – All Other Hats Allowed But Not His – YouTube


The little things count in life.  We have the right wing which has an ugly history of fascism and the left wing with an equally ugly history of mass murder and theft, too.  Both extremes are evil, both are set up as solutions to economic crisis situations and we are in that today.  The destruction of America races onwards, more companies are firing Americans and hiring either illegal aliens or shipping jobs overseas as the rich get richer this way, the underclass grows bigger and bigger and here is a debate about saying ‘Make America Great AGAIN’ irritating the left which has been tricked into supporting the destruction of US manufacturing jobs in the name of ‘globalism’.

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Filed under .money matters

More School Statistics Showing How Race And Culture Determines Success UNIVERSALLY


Time to make more comparisons of states when it comes to race/ethnic backgrounds and math scores in elementary and junior high school: it is sadly obvious that there is a huge chasm between Hispanic immigrants and Asian immigrants.  And an even bigger one afflicts black children who are at the bottom of every test group.  North, South, East or West, the results are identical with slight variations.  Texas, it appears, seems to be doing best for black and Hispanic students in basic math compared to other states but is identical for advanced maths which is 1 or 2 percent which is the lowest of all groups.  Universally, without exception!  Why is that?

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Filed under Politics

There Is No Hockey Stick Warming: Gaming Statistics At The IPCC


The rise and fall of the Hockey Stick

Screen shot 2014-04-06 at 11.29.39 AM

To push the Kyoto Accords  in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks, the first graph from 1990 was eliminated and a new one showing a hockey stick warming was used by the IPCC.  Propaganda was pushed warning us we were going to be terrorized by warm weather and all die unless…oil and gas was taxed very high!  This was agreed at the Bilderberg meeting which is why Al Gore was used to push this storyline hard.  The controversy about how this hockey stick was created rages today.  We are going to review this controversy in my own way, first, the debate: Continue reading


Filed under weather news

Very Rare And Beautiful Apollo Bronze Statue Found By Gaza Fisherman Doesn’t Make Headline News In US

bronze Apollo statue found in Gaza

Greek god statue mystery: 2,000 year old bronze Apollo surfaces in Gaza – YouTube: this big art news story was put on the back pages of the US Zionist media.  It is big news in Israel, of course.  And all our media giants have an army of Jewish reporters there.  And the NYT in particular is supposed to be this sophisticated paper that talks about ‘high culture’ art stuff all the time…and nary a peep.  One can only find this story by using Google to see where it has been tucked away under this collective bed.  Even in the foreign press, it is buried in a bed of rank lies about Gaza.


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Filed under .diplomacy