The Colder It Gets, The More Global Warmist Scientists Tell Us The Future Will Be Much Hotter

It is strange how ‘scientists’ were all uncertain about what was causing the northern hemisphere (and increasingly, Antarctica) to be colder and colder last year but this year when it is most definite that we are in a cooling cycle, they are now 100% certain that this is caused by global warming.  What has changed?  I would suggest that public support for the idea we are roasting to death has dropped like the temperatures and now the warmists are worried and think, if they yell louder and show more certainty, then people freezing to death will worry about roasting again.  Now that they are forced to admit it is very cold, they always end interviews with the coda, ‘But…we are definitely going to be very hot again.’  With zero proof this will happen.


The screeching headlines are now totally hysterical:  NEW THREAT: ‘CASCADING SYSTEM FAILURES’ is the insane Huffington Post’s hysterical whine about the weather, blaming our nasty cold, stormy winter on…being very hot.  Not to be accused of being slackers, the odious and often silly Salon has this article which tells readers how to battle anyone complaining about super cold, long winters:  Climate buffoons’ real motives: 5 reasons they still spout debunked garbage.  The even dumber NYT screams, The End of Snow? And this just three years ago, Spared Winter Freeze, Florida’s Mangroves Are Marching North by about a few miles where I presume, they are now dying.


Watch the Great Lakes Freeze Over | which mentions that this freeze is the greatest since 1979 when we were all talking about a new ice age.  The article ends the same way all articles about extreme cold ends:


For all that, 2014 could well be an aberration. Satellite data shows a generally downward trend in Great Lakes ice cover from 1972 to the present, thanks largely to the general increase in winter temperatures over the same time period. The winter of 2014 will go down in the record books—and there’s no clearer evidence of that than the image of the Great Lakes, sheathed in ice. But we may not see too many repeat performances in a warmer future.


Of course, Time Magazine dares not mention the possibility that we may see many repeats of this ice story in the future!  Absolutely no articles mention this very real possibility.


Global population of polar bears has increased by 2,650-5,700 since 2001 | polarbearscience which isn’t shocking since it is getting colder, not warmer.  It wouldn’t surprise me to see them roaming around my mountain if this keeps up.  The poster boys of climate change thrive in the icy Arctic: Polar bears defy concerns about their extinction | Mail Online: the climate change/we are roasting to death ‘scientists’ have predicted in the past that there would be a 70% drop in polar bear numbers by 2050.  Polar bears are the equivalent of the starving children of Africa icons.


To have the bears thrive infuriates the global warmists.  Like the ship of fools stuck in summer ice in Antarctica, knowledge of polar bears thriving wrecks the global warming propaganda so…no one in the media makes headlines about this.  Indeed, just two months ago, Google had this big propaganda ploy about watching polar bears with the Google Earth project and in the video, the young California kids in the tracker talked solemnly about how polar bears are going extinct due to global warming which was a naked lie.


Indeed, the expanding ice in the polar regions was ignored last summer.  Now, the colder than ever in the last 50 years winter comes with much less exposed ocean which wrecks the theory that less ice in the Arctic=colder winters in the southern regions.  Since polar bears aren’t dying off, moose dying of mad cow disease and severe snow cover are being used as the new global warming icon only scientists admit they don’t know what is the major factor of the moose deaths.


From 2 years ago is this sad tale:  Much to Savor, and Worry About, Amid Mild Winter’s Early Blooms which isn’t happening anywhere north of Florida this year.  Not one flower, we barely see tiny patches of ground that isn’t buried in snow, bitter, bitter cold, the branches of the trees are skinny from sucking down all the sap deep into the roots.  A friend who taps trees in my forest for syrup came by two days ago to muse, ‘Looks like no sap so far.’  I said, ‘Yup, and I think there will be none before April.’  So much for ‘early springs’.


▶ “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period!” – YouTube Demming testifies about the conspiracy to eliminate the Medieval Warm Period.  I was totally infuriated when they did this obvious scam.  After all the painful research proving it in the past, this was insulting.  Enough scientists were enraged that they renewed efforts to understand that milder period which was warmer than today.  So, recently a New paper shows Medieval Warm Period was global in scope …


This harsh, long, long winter that has enveloped a huge part of the continent of North America and large parts of Siberia and deep into Eurasia, even causing snow in Africa, is being explained away as ‘climate change’ which ‘isn’t getting colder but mysteriously warmer’ as if this is a good explanation of what is going on.  But when we look just one, two or three years in the recent past, scientists admit they have NO PROOF that CO2 is causing this super cold to happen, they admit they are guessing.  Far from being a settled question, it is very open to dispute.


Here is a 2013 article from, one of the publications that refused my fathers ‘Sun is a Variable Star’ paper, defending the concept of global warming being really all about super cold winters:  Is global warming causing harsher winters?


Yet some scientists, eyeing the fourth year in a row of exceptionally harsh late-winter weather in parts of Europe and North America, suggest warming is precisely the problem.
In a complex tango between ocean and atmosphere, warming is causing icy polar air to be displaced southwards, they contend.
“The linkage is becoming clearer and clearer, I think, although the science has not yet been settled,” said Dim Coumou of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) near Berlin.


“Heat that is stored in the (Arctic) ocean can rapidly transfer to the atmosphere, and this affects the dynamics” of northern hemisphere weather patterns, said Coumou in a phone interview.
“We’ve had a couple of winters (in Europe) where you’ve had rather shorter-term cold spells, of a duration of maybe 10, 20, 30 days… It’s been the same in the continental US and Canada where they’ve seen similar quite bizarre cold spells but of a relatively shorter period….”The warming-and-winter scenario is far from unanimous in climatology. Other experts call for more evidence, especially from longer-term data.
“Looking at what’s happening right now, in early spring, it’s too early to say whether it is due in part to a temporary climatic swing,” said David Salas-y-Melia of Meteo France, the French meteorological agency.


The only problem with this theory based on zero science, just speculation, is the fact that the ice sheet in summer up north is growing, too.  Several cold winters and voila!  More Arctic ice in summer.  Also, last winter, note how the global warmists are worried their beloved ‘early spring’ isn’t going to happen. And it didn’t.  Causing them to increase global warming dire threats considerably, not less.  From 2011:

A ‘Bulge’ in Atmospheric Pressure Gives Us a Super-Cold Winter Amid Global Warming –


Icicle-covered oranges in Florida. The United Kingdom swamped with its coldest December in more than a century. Travelers stranded in airports surrounded by snowy fortresses.


These have been some of the dominant images this winter, and now one forecaster says it’s going to get colder. Yesterday, an AccuWeather meteorologist predicted that January could be the chilliest for the nation as a whole since the 1980s….
So how does this fit with global warming models?


According to some climate scientists, the cold in places like Florida actually could be a sign of warming, rather than an argument against the phenomenon…”You can’t go as far as saying the loss of sea ice is causing cold weather in Florida,” said Overland. “You can say it is a contributing factor.” In October, Overland co-authored part of NOAA’s Arctic Report Card, which included a section on how Arctic weather is influencing weather in mid-latitudes.


He emphasized that more research needs to be done on the cause and effect relationship between disappearing Arctic sea ice and cold weather in southern locations. Other research backs up his argument.


Another study published in Environmental Research Letters last year, though, predicted colder winters in the United Kingdom because of natural variations in solar activity.


Differing from the majority of scientists, meteorologist Bastardi presented his “global cooling” theory in a December AccuWeather video arguing that carbon dioxide is a trace gas that has less effect on weather than forces such as the sun.


“There’s no need to panic over global warming,” he said.


So, at the very beginning of this longer and longer cold cycle, the ‘scientists’ (sic) cooked up this crazy theory that the loss of ice in the north was causing this.  But when the ‘ice is disappearing’ story was proven totally wrong by the fact that the Arctic ice, AFTER THE COLD coming down to much of North America and a big part of Eurasia began, these same ‘scientists’ simply ignored this change of status.  Obviously, the fake theory was proven wrong by events.  Which wrecks the CO2 story, so it was, like the Medieval Global Warming era, was simply erased.


I will also note that Bastardi is differing with his colleagues about global warming three years ago and this, too, is ignored as the warmists pretend that virtually all scientists believe we are getting warmer and warmer.  They edit out any dissent or like in my father’s case, actively suppress it.


According to the NYT article in 2011, there were ‘high records outnumber cold records this year’ and the global warmists predicted this would be 20 to 1 in a few more years.  Instead, it reversed course entirely with this year in particular setting many, many records yet to be assembled while virtually none of the winter temperatures set high records at all.


Tonight, it will be 3 above zero F here.  This is ridiculously cold for my climate.  The highs this last two weeks barely reaches 25 degrees in sunshine!  This would be considered unusually cold in January.  The winter is proving to be unusually long.  The 2013 story about how global warming will have some cold, talked about how this would be brief sessions, not nearly nonstop the entire winter and dragged long into the spring, not to mention coming early, too.


But Jon Krosnick, a professor at Stanford University, said the only group affected by cold weather in terms of belief about climate change is the 30 percent of the population who distrust scientists. And then they only consider how the most recent season compares to the previous three years in terms of worldwide temperatures, he said.


If this winter is unusually cold, he said, you would expect to see a “small drop” in the percentage of people who think global warming is happening.


“People don’t use their local temperatures as a benchmark,” he said. “They are not dodos.”


This is the worst of the crimes of the global warmists: they always insist we are stupid, like dodos, because we ‘look out the window and see our neighborhoods turned into Antarctica’ and this is because it is LOCAL.  When this condition covers the majority of one of the earth’s bigger continents, this isn’t local at all.  When it intrudes on more than one continent, it is very big indeed and not local.  Unable to figure out the difference between ‘huge continents freezing during a very long winter’ with ‘it’s just local weather’ reveals either insanity or stupidity and the experts doing this are the dodos, not the rest of us who have more brains and fewer ideological beliefs.


Jon Krosnick lives where it is warm, in sunny California.  So guess what?  That jerk looks out the window and it is warm.  Ergo, there is global warming.  He studiously ignores or belittles the extreme, hideous cold gripping the vast majority of the nation.  He is the dodo who is stupid, not us.  He can’t hide out forever in sunny California that never had glaciers on the coast and tell us up here in deep ice age potential glacier territory, that we are crazy about worry that we may slide into yet another ice age.


Just before publishing today’s story here, I peeked at the news and there are more ‘we are roasting to death’ stories like this one:  Great Barrier Reef Faces ‘Irreversible’ Damage: Report which blames warming and not other forces like polluting the ocean. I will note that Huffington carries virtually no Fukushima stories.  Our mass media mentions Fukushima once in a blue moon if that.  Liberals are against this:  Keystone XL pipeline has strong support in U.S., poll shows which shows how increasingly out of touch liberals have become.


People want more, not less carbon based energy.  And if it were hotter and hotter, convincing the public to cut back is easier.  But when it is colder and colder, no one will listen.  Here are more ‘we are roasting to death’ articles published today:  Why women are the secret weapon to tackling climate change which focuses of course, on African women who happen to live on the one continent with the least glaciation during the ice ages.  Climate change may put UNESCO World Heritage Sites underwater is another silly story.  With ice expanding again, this isn’t a worry.


Here is a particularly crazy headline:  Pentagon: ​Climate change enables terrorism.  You see, if we all freeze to death, there will be no terror because we will all be indoors hiding from polar bears and warming our hands at the fire.  Sydney Opera House and Statue of Liberty ‘will be lost to sea level …is from the global warmists at the Guardian.  Climate change could mean more malaria in Africa, South America which again, are the two places with the least impact outside of the mountains, of being even slightly freezing even in the depths of ice ages in the past.


Here is a hilarious warning: Chipotle Warns It Might Stop Serving Guacamole If Climate Change … and this backfired because investors then confronted the president of the corporation.  So Chipotle says there isn’t a guacamole crisis, despite alerting investors to climate change concerns | Fox News.  Funniest of all is today’s Guardian headline:  Not even climate change will kill off capitalism.  HAHAHA.  Like the polar bears, capitalists will survive this heat wave!  Which is the coldest heat wave in history.


Infrastructure Threatened by Climate Change Poses a National Crisis is another headline today.  Wow.  If  ‘climate change’ means sliding into another ice age, very certainly this is true.  But we all know they are really talking about roasting to death, not freezing solid. How to mitigate climate change in AfricaPublish Date: Mar 06, 2014 again assumes that it will be warmer not colder even though it snowed in Egypt this winter. Climate change threatens to bring eradicated viruses back from the dead also assumes it will be much warmer, not colder.


Epic King Tides Offer Glimpse Of Climate Change In Marshall Islands again assumes ice is melting and we are getting hotter, too.  And while we freeze to death, we are supposed to weep for happy go lucky people living where there has never been winter even in the worst of the ice ages.  Warren Buffett makes news by differing with the propaganda, Quakes a bigger insurance risk than climate – Buffett.


On the other hand, this is what lunatics do, Designer Vivienne Westwood cut off her hair to protest climate change.  HAHAHA.  Now she matches her ugly fashions.  Maybe all the women wearing hair extensions from Indian women selling their hair, will do likewise and get rid of those rat’s nests.

sunset borger

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Filed under weather news

20 responses to “The Colder It Gets, The More Global Warmist Scientists Tell Us The Future Will Be Much Hotter

  1. melponeme_k

    I’ve noticed all the climate “change” hysteria articles. As it now looks as if we won’t even have a summer, the elites are going insane.

    I bet the Skull and Bones crowd are doing weather dances in their crypt. LOL


    ELAINE: While wearing parkas! 🙂

  2. Luc

    WTF does ‘protesting CC mean’? That collective indifference to ‘AGW’ is making her do this?

  3. Luc

    Some of the comments on article are better than article.


    ELAINE: I can’t thank you enough, Luc, for the last several links. Am using these in the upcoming story about the battle between astronomers and the ‘climatologists’ who are trying to erase all astronomical information from the climate studies.

  4. Jim R

    Haha, protesting climate change … maybe we should bring back Sun-worship?

    … we need to build more Stonehenges …


    ELAINE: and like in the old days, if someone predicts something inaccurately, they are sacrificed.

  5. Jim R

    In other news, the poobahs have decided that the news media is the problem, and they are going to ban it:
    NSA chief hints at ‘media-leak’ legislation\

    So, from now on, reality is what they say it is.

  6. emsnews

    Jim, the fascist creeps in Japan passed exactly this law there and things have shut down nearly entirely. So of course, our rulers want the same powers here.

  7. CK

    I think it was the “underware bomber escapade” that caused most Americans to start laughing at GWOT. So something else had to be manufactured to Make Americans Quake with Fear and Demand the Government SAVE THEM. Iran has not been scary since 200 BC. Syria didn’t work, Global warming worked until it became so obvious a fraud that it stopped working and degenerated into slander and libel suits among the various con men ( tenured academics ) trying to milk it for moola. And when it became obvious to even the blindest that the citizens of the USA do not have much interest in how the rest of the world treats the sexually confused; or how the USA treats it own either, so the Evil Sochi Olympics went off without a hitch and some fine sports were enjoyed by straights and bents alike…but no fears were engendered. So suddenly we have our favourite old re-run Bugaboo of the past RUSSIA. Oh God We are so Scared of HitlerPutin that Hillary has forgotten even elementary history and Obama is going to show the world who’s got the bigger pecker any day now.
    Meanwhile the west coast of the USA and Mexico and central and northern South America are being bathed in the finest of Japanese payback for Hiroshima and Nagasaki; of which we are told there is nothing to fear there.


    ELAINE: 🙂 🙂 🙂 Pretty much sums up everything in a small nutshell.

  8. Vengeur

    Elaine , you should get some kind of award for today’s commentary. You point out the total hypocrisy of the Warmists like nobody else.


    ELAINE: And I have another story even nastier I just published. Wow, they are RAGING out of control today with at least a hundred ‘we are going to roast to death’ stories.

    At the home front, it got up to 34 degrees here! We are no, at long last, finally slightly above freezing! I expect Putin to invade any day now. 🙂

  9. Petruchio

    There was what I think is a very odd weather news item on one of the local news stations. The news item was that the “meteorological” winter was over that day (it was one day this past week. can’t recall the actual date). I’m thinking, “what the h#ll are they talking about? A meteorological winter? What is that? Personally, I figure that if it is +18 degrees F and there is 24+inches of snow still on the ground it is STILL winter! What is the point of having an arbitrary day and saying, “OK, boys and girls, winter is over. Just disregard from now on the still winter conditions that exist. Crazy.

  10. emsnews

    In the sunshine on my driveway, there is this small puddle today. All the rest is frozen solid.

    My small sled was frozen into the ground during a blizzard way back in JANUARY and it still can’t be moved. Rats. I use it to haul kitty litter to the small dump out back.

  11. Luc

    ‘ELAINE: I can’t thank you enough, Luc, for the last several links. Am using these in the upcoming story about the battle between astronomers and the ‘climatologists’ who are trying to erase all astronomical information from the climate studies.’

    Thanks to you for yr ever so clear view on Climate. the pic you posted of the ‘spray radioactivity into the air’ is as beautiful as it is purpose is alarming. Reminds me [visually] of Magritte or MC Escher.
    I am glad to contribute something worth yr OP.


    Try selling yr article to UK Daily Mail!

    Moose Die-Off Alarms Scientists, page 1 – Above Top Secret‎
    Oct 15, 2013 – 10 posts – ‎7 authors
    Moose infected with brain worm almost always die, but winter tick and lung … There could be a lot of reasons for the die off of moose, both man .

  12. Judah

    What about record breaking high temperatures this past southern hemisphere summer in addition to the record breaking cold temperatures in current North American winter? Saying its ‘speculation’ and ‘no proof’ ignores the actual data from the other half of the world in summertime.

    I do agree with Co2 not equaling warming and the sun being 90%+ important regarding Earth’s temperature, but you are not looking at the whole Earth, only talking about North America. The whole Earth is getting warmer overall.

    Global Temperature Report: December 2013

    As much as you talk about scientists who ignore data subsets, you are doing the same thing in your analysis.

  13. emsnews

    Judah, I am not ‘ignoring the hot spots’. I am complaining about the global warmists not only ignoring entire freezing cold continents that are key to Ice Age build up of ice, I am very angry that our rulers are ignoring dying Americans who are freezing to death.

    They say nothing. They are doing nothing. All they do is lecture us about how it is hot in California and Australia.

    Last time I looked, those places were not ‘the entire planet earth’. If it is super cold in the exact same places where the biggest glaciers were in EVERY ice age, this is highly significant.

    At no point in time did half of Africa or any of Australia have huge glaciers or any at all.

    By the way, next week it is going to plunge to near 0 F here. This is insane. It is like January this month.

  14. Luc


  15. emsnews

    More below zero next week. Everyone I talk to is fed up with this winter. 😦

  16. Jim R

    Au contraire … Kilimanjaro always had snow and glaciers. And it is in Africa.

    The snow/ice line has been steadily retreating toward the peak of the mountain. It is the very signature of Global Warming. Used to have lots of ice, and now it has less. From the article:

    “In the late 1880s, the summit of Kibo was completely covered by an ice cap with outlet glaciers cascading down the western and southern slopes, and except for the inner cone, the entire caldera was buried. Glacier ice flowed also through the Western Breach.[34]”

    “The period from 1912 to present has witnessed the disappearance of more than 80% of the ice cover on Kilimanjaro.”

  17. Luc

    Could soot be the cause of glaciers retreating?

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