Tag Archives: spring

Spring Came Very Late And Incredibly Fast To My Upstate NY Mountain

This spring is amazing.  We had nonstop winter, it got colder and colder and spring seemed further and further away.  In the Rockies, it is still hard winter.  But in the last three days, the entire orchestra of spring has burst into flower nearly instantaneously.  Making up for lost time, all the trees even the mighty, slow red oaks are leafing out simultaneous with the birch who usually is early.  The cherry trees are blooming alongside the daffodils.  A riot of growth, all in three short days!

my medieval chalet spring sunset 2014

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Filed under nature, weather news

Government Launches Global Warming Website That Crashed

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The above is my weather this next week.  It is totally like January with the Spring Equinox showing near 0F weather yet again.  We have had already a dozen severe cold waves this winter.  And how is our national government and media responding to this unfolding Ice Age disaster?  Take a guess:

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Filed under weather news

The Colder It Gets, The More Global Warmist Scientists Tell Us The Future Will Be Much Hotter

It is strange how ‘scientists’ were all uncertain about what was causing the northern hemisphere (and increasingly, Antarctica) to be colder and colder last year but this year when it is most definite that we are in a cooling cycle, they are now 100% certain that this is caused by global warming.  What has changed?  I would suggest that public support for the idea we are roasting to death has dropped like the temperatures and now the warmists are worried and think, if they yell louder and show more certainty, then people freezing to death will worry about roasting again.  Now that they are forced to admit it is very cold, they always end interviews with the coda, ‘But…we are definitely going to be very hot again.’  With zero proof this will happen.

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Filed under weather news