Tag Archives: Great Lakes

Washington Post Science Writer Ordered To Attack Climate Realists Yet Again Even As DC Freezes To Death

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Washington, DC weather this week during the Hottest February Evah!

During the bitter cold winters of the 1970’s, people particularly in the northeastern/Great Lakes/Hudson Bay parts of North America, worried we might slide into another Ice Age.  Ice Ages are ten times longer than Interglacials and they come suddenly and with overwhelming force over and over again like clockwork.  We are at the last half of the present Interglacial and have to keep a sharp eye out for signs of another Ice Age and very sadly, due to the 30 year warm/cold cycles, we just came out of a warm cycle that had a lot of people scared it will warm up forever and we roast to death.  Scientists should keep a clear eye out for incoming data that gives us a good idea what will happen next and instead, they have been corralled into rigging the data to DENY the truth that the 30 year warm cycle is fading fast and that the solar scientists warning that the sun is going into a colder cycle with few to no sun spots, is being ignored while anyone heeding this vital, life/death information is attacked as some sort of science illiterate who is delusional.

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Liberals Scream Earth Is Burning While Brazil Has Huge Hail Storms, Hudson Bay Totally Frozen, Etc.


'Burning Globe Earth (West Hemisphere) [Shutterstock]

This is the flaming earth icon used by liberals when they complain about the weather.  Even though the smarter characters use the term ‘climate change’ due to the obvious cooling going on, the majority of the stories issued by these guys are all about us roasting to death.  The shrill screams were particularly loud in the last 24 hours.  Unfortunately for the warmists, the real news is the incredible, increasing cold in the Southern Hemisphere and North America being hammered by a succession of cold Northern Pacific storms and cold waves from Hudson Bay.

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Global Warming Fanatics, Martin And Bernice Hartley, Twitter About Freezing In Blizzard At North Pole

Global Warming north pole complain about ice, storms April 26 2014

These are two of today’s tweets from the twits at the top of the globe who went there to prove global warming is hideous and nasty and there will be no more ice at the North Pole if we don’t stop being naughty people.  Note the blizzard, the cold, the ice!  She (the lady camping there to prove polar bears love to eat humans) even has the cheek to complain about the blizzard being annoying!  Well, we have been hearing cries about global warming for years while Mother Nature refuses to cooperate with them and has been blowing cold instead of hot.  Even now, with death staring in the global warmist’s face, she cannot see reality.

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Nation’s Largest Steel Mill Closes Due To Great Lake Ice While NYT Runs Story About California Sled Dogs No Snow

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Photos: With Little Snow and Little Work, a Musher Worries – NYTimes.com: this story is all about an California guy, Jim Ouimet, who started this business with Libby Riddles, an Iditarod sled dog racer from Alaska to run tourists with dog sleds in sunny, warm California.  At the same time, the NYT does NOT have on its front page any stories about the harsh winter and what this means.  The story about the steel mill closing I found in foreign papers online, not any US major media.  Above is my search for any stories about the present closing of the US Steel Corp’s plant in Gary, Indiana.  There is zero mention anywhere in their archives or today’s paper.


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The ‘Great Immensity’ LIARS Paid $700,000 To Make Propaganda Musical Warning People About Being Warm

Global warmists: The Great Immensity spends hundreds of millions of dollars

http://thegreatimmensity.org/: The Federal government via the National Science Foundation funded climate change musical to tune of $700,000 to this theater troupe and its leaders to make a musical about how we are all going to roast to death unless we pay very high CO2 taxes on energy especially in winter.  Read the text here!  Note that this isn’t a ‘climate change’ musical, it is all about how WISCONSIN which is still struggling to dig out of this winter in mid-April, is going to see ‘higher than average temperatures year-round’!  It also claims more people die of ‘extreme heat’ in Wisconsin compared to ‘brutal winters’.  Or tornadoes.

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The Colder It Gets, The More Global Warmist Scientists Tell Us The Future Will Be Much Hotter

It is strange how ‘scientists’ were all uncertain about what was causing the northern hemisphere (and increasingly, Antarctica) to be colder and colder last year but this year when it is most definite that we are in a cooling cycle, they are now 100% certain that this is caused by global warming.  What has changed?  I would suggest that public support for the idea we are roasting to death has dropped like the temperatures and now the warmists are worried and think, if they yell louder and show more certainty, then people freezing to death will worry about roasting again.  Now that they are forced to admit it is very cold, they always end interviews with the coda, ‘But…we are definitely going to be very hot again.’  With zero proof this will happen.

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Record Cold And Snow: Norovirus Joins H1N1 Epidemic Sickening Many, Cruise Ships Big Carriers Of This Plague


Northern hemisphere snow cover Feb 8, 2014

Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover – NOHRSC – The ultimate source for snow information:  It is still very bitterly cold here and won’t be warm until at least another week of below or at zero nights.  I still have plenty of firewood because I frantically sawed and chopped and stacked it all up literally to the rafters during the fall due to fears of a long, harsh winter.  And the Farmer’s Almanac agreed and I trust them more than NOAA.  Incidentally, the poor prognosticators there, after admitting this month will be cold in the very tip top of the northern plains but not here or even the Great Lakes region, they are telling me that spring is going to be much, much hotter than usual.  HAHAHA.  We shall see.  I seriously doubt this.

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