Tag Archives: North America

More Blizzards, Below Zero Weather: German ‘Climatologists’ Claim New El Nino, ‘Super Hot Summer’

la Nina strengthens February 2014

NOAA El Niño: Research, Forecasts and Observations:Definitely a la Nina, indeed, it looks like it is strengthening, not diminishing.  And the white North Pole ice is pretty dominant, too.  Every day as severe cold grips the vast majority of the North American continent, the fake climatologists issue one warning about us all roasting to death after another the latest being this gem:  Could 2014 be the hottest on record? El Niño phenomenon could spew out massive amounts of heat this year.  German global warmist climatologists claim they can predict when el Ninos happen.  HAHAHA.  So far, the predictive ability of these people stink, big time!  Doesn’t stop them from doing more of the same.  They have been claiming this persistent la Nina event will go away soon.  Any day now!

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Cold Storms Hammer Northern Hemisphere And Study Notes CO2 Levels Never Changed Before Or During Ice Ages

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It is bitter cold here and will remain this way for at least another week with zero degree nights in upstate New York.  We had near zero hurricanes this last summer but plenty of violent winter storms as we see above with a major blow about to hammer England yet again.  Global warmists told England they had to conserve water due to the island turning into Arizona just three years ago and since then, it has been raining which is classic, this is what happened during the Little Ice Age which saw England hammered by too much rain, previously.  The global warming brigades are out in full armor, attacking everyone and anyone noticing their predictions have been totally wrong and it is damn cold, too. Continue reading


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Global Warming Fanatics Ban All Contrary Debate While Utterly Ignoring Severe Cold Covering North America

wind map of earth showing december winter storm


Wind map showing the vortex from the brutal, bitter cold winter storm that savaged North America.  Note the Arctic air moving towards Britain.

7 ways to shut down a climate change denier – Salon.com: The deranged science writer for Scientific American, Mr. Rennie, ‘debunks’ all the discussion about how the sun drives our climate by talking about general solar warming and no mention of sun spots and how these plus the absence or presence of solar wind areas which are cooler than other types of solar activity.  That is, as it freezes colder and colder in the Ice Age glacial areas of the earth, screams about global warming have increased in hysteria and now these same fake scientists are banning anyone disputing their religion.

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Record Low Temps In Antarctia: US Nearly Totally Below Freezing Tonight

US freezing tonight

Antarctica Hit Record Cold Temperature So Ridiculously Low It Hurts Just Hearing About It:

A new look at NASA satellite data revealed that Earth set a new record for coldest temperature recorded. It happened in August 2010 when it hit -135.8 degrees. Then on July 31 of this year, it came close again: -135.3 degrees.


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Ice Age Cold Suddenly Grips North America Continent

Ice Age US weather

Snow, ice, deep-freeze hit large swath of USA: conditions up here on my mountain has been off and on Antarctic since mid-November and now, quite early in the winter season, it being technically still ‘Fall’, it is extremely cold.  This isn’t local.  It is the entire nation except for Global Warming Florida where people want desperately to live for Fun In The Sun.  Meanwhile, the climatologists who have harangued us all Fall about global warming are silent about this burst of Ice Age weather.


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