Tag Archives: winter storms

Global Weather Gets Colder And Colder, Democratic Voters Think Opposite

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Hail and Hypothermia during warm season in the Rockies at 11,000 Feet | Sierra Club

Sierra Magazineis a typical global warming magazine.  Once upon a time, it was more about nature but in the last decade it has become this schizophrenic operation yelling about how our life styles are killing polar bears in particular.  I got one issue recently and on the back cover is a Subaru car ad, the front page ad is Caravan tour company about ‘Costa Rica Natural Paradise 9 Days for $1095,’ page 56 is Sierra Club Outings for going on trips, on page 14, ‘Escape to Sunny Spain!’ ad (note the ‘flee to hot places tendency here!).   Then there is the survival cartoon in a recent issue, click on the Hypothermia link above to see a bunch of global warmists begging to be picked up by a CO2 spewing truck to save them from freezing to death in a storm during the warm season in Colorado.


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Editor of Adirondack Life Nature Magazine Whines About Lack Of Snow Last Winter!

While I was waiting for my husband at the hospital, I read this magazine about the mountains in New York called Adirondack Life. This month’s editorial in the magazine was about…GLOBAL WARMING.  You see, there will be no snow in the mountains and everyone is going to roast to death. I was puzzled about this editorial that naturally, blames all humans for no snow.  This was pure lunacy, of course, we just came out of a record snow/cold year, after all.  But the propaganda is so ingrained, it is like a mental itch that has to be scratched no matter what.


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Filed under weather news

Over 100 Americans Killed In Washington State Landslide And Near Zero Headlines For Three Days In MSM

The beautiful but dangerous landscape of Washington State

It is amazing how much is being kept out of the news these days.  Hysterical reports of us all roasting to death make headlines constantly while a landslide in Washington that probably killed over 100 people makes near zero headlines with the Hopes for Washington mudslide survivors fade after more bodies are pulled from debris | Mail Online being the first to speculate that many died there.  It is a strange feeling, seeing so-called news services failing to inform us about life and death issues while whining about computer projections based on erroneous assumptions making headlines and occupying the brains of our oligarch rulers who want desperately to tax our energy consumption.


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Filed under Geology, weather news

Record Cold And Snow: Norovirus Joins H1N1 Epidemic Sickening Many, Cruise Ships Big Carriers Of This Plague


Northern hemisphere snow cover Feb 8, 2014

Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover – NOHRSC – The ultimate source for snow information:  It is still very bitterly cold here and won’t be warm until at least another week of below or at zero nights.  I still have plenty of firewood because I frantically sawed and chopped and stacked it all up literally to the rafters during the fall due to fears of a long, harsh winter.  And the Farmer’s Almanac agreed and I trust them more than NOAA.  Incidentally, the poor prognosticators there, after admitting this month will be cold in the very tip top of the northern plains but not here or even the Great Lakes region, they are telling me that spring is going to be much, much hotter than usual.  HAHAHA.  We shall see.  I seriously doubt this.

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Filed under nature, weather news