Category Archives: Free Trade

President Trump: Hispanic Activists Display Anti-American Hate

Screen shot 2015-09-16 at 7.23.41 AMTrump says aboard battleship USS Iowa that Americans are ‘disgusted’ and ‘the world blew up’ with Hillary Clinton in office – but neglects ISIS in ‘foreign policy’ speech as protesters BOO the pledge of allegiance: This was perfect for Trump.  The anti-American demonstrators who are demanding we have no border controls stopping illegal aliens proves to the average American that these people are out to destroy the US.  The same is happening in Europe.  Few people really believe the army of mainly young, angry Muslims will benefit anyone in Europe in the future.  But the liberals still try to force people to hand over their countries to hostile aliens.


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Filed under Free Trade, Politics

Chinese Immigrants To Germany And Europe Are Beneficial


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For graying Germany, refugee crisis could be a needed boon to its population according to the people who are pushing for Europe to absorb a million Muslims.  I have a family that has Asian, Jewish, European, etc. members, we are very mixed and this is great for genetics as well as social reasons, we are international in nature and at the same time, we have to protect and preserve the nation we all live in, namely, the United States.  This means learning language skills and other skills to work hard to make this a better place.  The flood into Europe this year is bringing social and political and religious conflicts, it is a disaster for Europe and may even destroy Europe and force it into another Dark Age.


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Filed under Free Trade, religion, war and peace

French Farmers Set Fires On Highways To Stop Eastern European Farm Goods That No Longer Go To Russia

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Ouest-France on Twitter: “Crise des #eleveurs Barrages aux frontières allemandes et espagnoles”: farmers set fire on highways and stop truck traffic to prevent farm goods from mainly northern and eastern Europe to enter France.  They are protesting EU open border policies.  Their farms are no longer making a profit thanks to the open borders plus the EU attack on Russia leading o the boycotts means many things must flow to western Europe.  The EU is a confederation of many states that have a long history of hating each other.  It will collapse in the end.

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Filed under Free Trade

After 9/11 Aliens Attacked, US Government Opened Our Borders Wide For Illegal Aliens

P.G.A. Moves Event From Donald Trump Golf Course – The New York Times: the NYT attacks Trump for daring to tell the truth about illegal aliens.  This festering non-status class is heavily exploited by bosses and rich people as a great pool of compliant workers who are cheap labor.  This pool of secret labor was used to break the unions and it worked.  Now, they must protect their pool of illegal workers lest Americans vote to actively remove millions of illegal aliens holding jobs that used to employ American citizens and this means demonizing Trump daily and chastising the rest of us for suggesting that a big part of the pool of illegal aliens are many horrible criminals and drug border crossers.  This topic is not mentioned in any articles about Trump, of course, since this is the real issue.


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Filed under Free Trade, Politics

Democrats Wake Up And Stop Obama/Clinton/Bush/Bilderberg TPP Free Trade Secret Deal

All good news here.  The Republican Party, like the Democratic Party, talks all the time about the middle class, good jobs, etc.  And then stabs workers in the back. Tax cuts were dangled as fixes of financial problems caused by inflation and war/social services taxes.  People voted heartily for this when they voted for Reagan who began these nasty trade deals and he also killed unions.  Well, the Democrats imitated the Republicans in this regard and anyone like Dean or Ross Perot who had a shot at the White House only to be destroyed by the Bilderberg media, ended  up dead in the water so we had only Skull and Bones versus Skull and Bones elections of Hope and Change morphing into endless wars and more free trade deals killing unions and driving out good jobs.

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Filed under Free Trade

Liberals Cannot Admit That Black Families Are Collapsing

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The New York Times has yet another article about a ‘study’ by professors that jump to ridiculous conclusions based on biased data crunching.  They do this with weather data and sociological data.  In today’s case, the professors claim that ‘Democratic voting’ states have better marriage rates than ‘Republican voting’ states which is a falsehood ignored by the NYT reporter.  Instead, comments at this story are almost all Democrats patting themselves on the back making fun of Republicans who want more marriages.  This is why I have been increasingly angry with liberals who refuse to understand why parts of the US are disintegrating.  It is an economic disintegration as well as cultural.

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Filed under Free Trade, Politics

Free Trade Kills Even Small Towns: The Destruction Of Galesburg, Ill When Maytag Went To Mexico

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These pictures in my article are of Galesburg, Illinois where the Maytag factory closed due to free trade deals.  What looks like a huge parking lot is actually where many of the buildings once stood but are now dismantled and sold.  Here is the before picture:

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Yet another free trade treaty is going to pass Congress.  Both the GOP and DNC support these deals.  Every President since the first free trade deal has promised to protect American jobs and these have rapidly disappeared and wages have either dropped or stagnated.  Each treaty makes things worse so of course these same promise makers have decided to keep the negotiations secret from Americans since each deal is actually TREASON.  As these deals bankrupt our nation due to the world’s greatest trade deficits in the history of trade, our nation is on greased rails to bankruptcy.  Instead of stopping this, all parties work for this and seem to have no desire to stop doing these things to our economy and society.  The latest scheme is to use Medicare money to bribe workers who are losing their jobs so there won’t be any riots or repercussions from this latest trade deal.


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Filed under Free Trade