Tag Archives: Nevada

Complex ‘Mud Volcanoes’ In Nevada Has Clusters Of Earthquakes, Increasingly Active

Mammoth Lake region in Nevada has major earthquake.

This news is from last spring: 4/20/2016 — Professionals say Major Earthquake Overdue at California / Nevada border – YouTube with this being right on the exact spot where yesterday’s earthquake happened.  It is very interesting, the architecture of Nevada, land of many mineral riches.

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Filed under .money matters

Bundy Gun Nut Adult Toddlers Illegally Invade National Park On ATVs

I grew up in Arizona living in the foothills of Mt. Lemmon.  The #1 thing I absolutely hated were the ATV riders who tore at a high, engine screaming speed all over the place, destroying everything.  Scaring my horses, running over my animals, drinking, carousing, vandalizing everything.  Throwing rocks at saguaro cacti, you name it.  Naturally, the people surrounding Bundy are illegally doing exactly this in Utah as a ‘protest’.  No wonder so many of them are obese.


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Filed under Politics

US Encourages Killing Of Russian Ukrainians, Puts US Student In Prison Up To 5 Years For Hitting Cop With Elbow

Dozens injured, fatalities on both sides in ongoing military op in Slavyansk (VIDEO) — RT News

Ukraine: many feared dead in fresh Slavyansk clashes  after Brennan of CIA ‘Warmongers R US Agents’ fame visited secretly and gave permission to the coup to kill.  No Russians among Slavyansk self-defense forces – NYT reporters as yet again, the NYT had to admit they made up propaganda stuff.  This war is a classic.  The US lies about the genesis and then proceeds to imitate Nazis.

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Filed under .diplomacy

Fake Liberals And Double Standard Conservatives: No More Real Patriotism Exists, Just Lies



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I used to go to Raw Story for news but now I visit on occasion to see how fall down the site has fallen as it has turned more and more towards raw propaganda and insanity.  Here is a particularly odious and ugly example:  Edward Snowden’s disembodied head makes sweet love to dreamy heartthrob Vladimir Putin | The Raw Story by T Bogg:

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Filed under .diplomacy, Politics