Tag Archives: Congress

Torture Doctors Swigert And Dunbar Paid $81 Million For Nazi-Style Torture Regime At Gitmo

Eichmann trial – Session No. 1 – YouTube

I hope there are huge demonstrations about this torture report.  Both the GOP and the DNC approved of this torture and the support in Congress and with our Presidents for this torture of Muslims matches support for Jewish aggression against Muslims in the Middle East.  The other big issue here is how ‘homeland security’ was cover for a huge, massive looting expedition against the American taxpayers that has laid our economy to waste and caused social unrest as the authors of all this…BOTH PARTIES…allowed millions of illegal alien labor to pour into the country while both parties ran up immense budget deficits to reward the rich who paid for our expensive election commercials and other wretched things we are subjected to during election cycles which now seem to never end.

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Filed under .diplomacy, war and peace

Nigerian Passenger On Flight To JFK Throws Up Violently And Then DIES On Plane!

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Here comes the tsunami: ebola zombies are trying desperately to come to America and it looks as if one of them died ON A PLANE flying from Nigeria!  This is going to be a major issue in the looming election and Obama still sits on his rear end, trying to ignore this mess.  Congress hearings with CDC head ends with political divide as Democrats try to mollify blacks by keeping the door to Africa wide open.  This is fatal for the party.  Worse than the excuses for riots in Ferguson.

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Filed under evolution, Politics

Second Ebola Nurse Broke Quarantine To Fly All Over The US On ‘Vacation’ Instead Of Staying Home

evil warmongering Bezos Washington Post headline making fun of ebola

Above is a picture from the front page of the Washington Post making fun of ebola as a campaign issue.


World stock markets are falling rapidly as investors figure out the true cost of the ebola epidemic and the panic is spreading pretty fast now with 2 nurses sick and hundreds of people exposed in mainly Texas and parts of Europe.  Super Lame Duck, Obama CANCELS fundraising trips for emergency Ebola meeting at the White House as panic grows over the second home-grown US case although a meeting is useless if prejudices prevent action like quarantines.

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Filed under evolution

Hilary Clinton Gives Quarter MILLION Dollar Speech About High College Costs To Booing Students

Congress is thoroughly corrupt and the mechanism for bribery is ‘speaking fees’ which are outrageously high for some bloviating politician yapping to unappreciative or bored out of their minds audiences.  These corrupt politicians soliciting bribes often hand over these to ‘charities’ run by themselves or family members which do little to nothing for anyone.  Today’s story is about Hillary Clinton, who was paid an insane amount of money by the University of Las Vegas for a few minute’s speech about student debt!

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Filed under .money matters, Politics

Where Is Carmen Segarra? Fired Fed Investigator Strikes Back At Goldman Sachs Criminal Gang!

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The bankers are scrambling for cover yet again as Carmen Segarra recorded 46 hours secret tapes between New York Fed and Goldman Sachs | Daily Mail Online:


A fired New York Fed regulator recorded hours of meetings which allegedly show how government supervisors were afraid to ask tough questions of the biggest banks on Wall St.


Carmen Segarra, 41, was brought in by New York’s banking watchdog in the wake of the financial crisis to tighten the government’s grip on the major banks, and assigned to Goldman Sachs.


And after encountering a culture of ‘fear’ and ‘deference’ to the finance giants at Goldman, Segarra explosively started recording meetings in which regulators offer softball questions to bankers, then congratulate themselves for standing up to them.


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Filed under .money matters

25% Americans Want Secession, Wales Wants What Scotland Might Get, Catalonia Wants Free of Spain

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Bezos is driving down the Washington Post as he announces cuts to retirement benefits for workers there.  AIPAC’s many wars against Muslims is blowing up in our faces and our empire is being crippled by these wars.  Ebola is Nature’s way of fixing overcrowding and can be stopped only via vaccinations which is a very great need now, it is obvious like the wars, this disease is getting worse and worse.  Then there is Scotland: the vote there was due to the Tories promising all sorts of things they have zero intention of honoring and as the British empire continues its 100 year collapse, the US learns that One in four Americans want their state to secede from the U.S.

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Filed under .diplomacy

Scotland Votes No By Slight Margin, Bilderberg Gang Sigh With Relief

Scotland voted to stay part of the diminished British Empire.  The bankers warned them all, they would be cut off financially if they did leave and the Labor Party was very against severing ties so by a bare margin, the voters decided to stay part of the tiny Empire of mainly offshore banks and offshore energy. Scotland will be more at risk of a terrorist attack if it votes for independence, Cameron warns before the vote.



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Filed under .diplomacy