Tag Archives: England

Another Blizzard Today, Global Warmists And Bilderberg Gang Have Obama Talk About California

Skeptical Science one of the dumber science sites on the web


For the last several years I have warned the liberal community about their wild goose chase after CO2.  Turning this into an End of Times issue has decapitated all other issues. The decision to back nuclear power continues to be their solution to this problem even in the teeth of Fukushima and I would suggest the lack of anger and fear of the ongoing horror show in Japan is tied to the global warming insanity.  Then the climate changed to Ice Age conditions and instead of saving us, these global warmists want us to freeze to death.  So coverage of this terrible climate change has been flaccid or full of lies in order to keep the faith of these people.

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Filed under weather news

Snow In Egypt: Global Cooling More And More Obvious

cold north winter 2013

World High Temperatures Map

Storm brings unusually heavy snow to parts of Middle East – latimes.com Such storms are rare, last December snowfall was in 1953. Last year there were two snow storms, one in January and one in March.  People are freezing to death in refugee camps.  Snow closes roads in Israel, is a source of wonder in Egypt where it virtually never, ever snows. Continue reading


Filed under weather news

Record Low Temps In Antarctia: US Nearly Totally Below Freezing Tonight

US freezing tonight

Antarctica Hit Record Cold Temperature So Ridiculously Low It Hurts Just Hearing About It:

A new look at NASA satellite data revealed that Earth set a new record for coldest temperature recorded. It happened in August 2010 when it hit -135.8 degrees. Then on July 31 of this year, it came close again: -135.3 degrees.


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Filed under weather news

Possible Hurricane Force Storm May Hit Southern England

2013 Halloween storm might hit Britain

WunderMap® | Interactive Weather Map and Radar | Weather Underground

Worst weather since the Great Storm of 1987: UK to be battered by hurricane-strength winds : We had near zero hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean this year but it is possible that this proto-hurricane in the middle of the Atlantic might turn into a full fledged storm when it hits England.  For nearly the entire hurricane season, the Atlantic Ocean has been very dry.  The dry air dominated the entire center of the sea.  This condition is now changing with the seasons as the days grow shorter, the moisture is growing which goes at odds with the dogma that the heat causes water vapor to increase. Continue reading


Filed under weather news

US, Allies Refuse Fukushima Fix While Screaming For War With Syria As Israel Attacks Palestinians

The US and some of its allies are most anxious to decapitate yet another Muslim government that Saudi Arabia and Israel want destroyed and replaced with a puppet regime like with Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Egypt.  The violent, illegal takeover of these countries is now going to extend to Syria.  Locking down everyone so that the people in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States can’t overthrow their dictators is of highest importance as is the elimination and destruction of all Palestinians.  Meanwhile, Fukushima menaces the entire planet and Japan’s fascist rulers are riled that the head of the UN dares to mention WWII.

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Filed under .diplomacy, energy

CIA Finally Admits To Iran Overthrow—And Guardia Exposes Gov Destruction Of Snowden Files

First, the old news:  CIA finally admits it masterminded Iran’s 1953 coup — RT USA.  Now they must give us the true list of all the fascist regimes they created via hook and crook!  A long, ugly list with many dead people and this same government of ours whines about exposing its ugly secrets: it may kill people!  Well, the secrets kill people all the time and our government loves this!  And this is why these secrets are kept.  They are crimes. Continue reading


Filed under .diplomacy

SEC Sacks SAC Capital: Government And Ex-wife Go After Pirate Cohen















A cartoon I drew in  2007 when the banking system began its spectacular collapse:  SEC Goes After Sentinel Hedge Fund For Fraud!



Hedge funds flourished once bank regulations and free trade allowed financiers to operate openly offshore while avoiding taxes.  With the keys to the Federal Reserve vault firmly in hand, they gambled with everyone’s lives, they are the sharks swimming in the world’s free trade oceans, savaging entire countries while becoming very, very rich off of this destructive behavior.

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Filed under .money matters